She wears a jewel watch
But not for the time
Moonlight used to navigate
Malleable melancholy men
A careless call to copy
Compliant cavalry killing
Unsuspecting victims
Eyes glinting of gold
Swore an oath to herself
To trust no one else
A wrist crux clasps
Together at the top
No bells in the distance
No awakening alert
Just the dark of the night
With an irreproachable breeze
A path of familiarity
In deceit of the men
A stride closer to her
Is a stride closer to death
She is hanging from a tree
With the help of a necktie
Over a dark-cloaked cliff
A hundred feet high
With forgotten time as the distance
Between life, love, and peril
- PatInTheHat
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
A tuning orchestra
And rehearsed symphony
Not a snare
A crescendo tympani
A soft piano ballad
A boisterous trumpet
A heart-stringed harp
Along breath reeded
Fingers on Ivory's organ
Hair kissing strings
You are a xylophonic whisper
In a multitonic cavern
Each note a new color
Light piercing the rocks above
This is our theater
And you are the music
With our hearts
As the conductor
And only me
As the audience
And rehearsed symphony
Not a snare
A crescendo tympani
A soft piano ballad
A boisterous trumpet
A heart-stringed harp
Along breath reeded
Fingers on Ivory's organ
Hair kissing strings
You are a xylophonic whisper
In a multitonic cavern
Each note a new color
Light piercing the rocks above
This is our theater
And you are the music
With our hearts
As the conductor
And only me
As the audience
Friday, November 18, 2016
Slowly, In Reverse
Wrinkled hands
On cotton threads
In water
The mind
The body how
To adapt in
A new environment
But these wrinkles
Do not come from
The water
They come from
The age
We evolve
Only so long
As we
Are not
And then
Like a
Cotton thread
We wither
The thread
Sponges the water
And expels it
When wrung by
Crossed fingers
The heart
On behalf of
Chemical reactors
Until the
Is just
The last
Is just
Long term
- PatInTheHat
The thread
Sponges the water
And expels it
When wrung by
Crossed fingers
The heart
On behalf of
Chemical reactors
Until the
Is just
The last
Is just
Long term
- PatInTheHat
Friday, November 4, 2016
And My Small Soldier
Mentioning a past demon
To a soft spoken
Small soldier
Wreaks internal havoc
I do not judge her size
As the strength of her heart
Beats ammunition into
The demon of my soul
The bullet holes released
The light from the darkness
The light I thought I lost
In a previous life
I fought the soldier as
She struggled to fight
The overbearing opaque world
That lived inside of me
The battle grew fierce
And the strength of her heart
Seemed to be winning
Until I helped the demon
With my shaking fingers
I closed each bullet portal
That she had created
In an effort to save me
And my small soldier began to break
The cracks of darkness from the demon
Spread like the fire in hell and
Fear spread to her
And the base of her troop
I became the demon
And the demon became me
The troop knew the way to
Defeat the darkness of the demon
Was to defeat me
Time killed the demon
That once lived inside of me
But not before haphazardly
Spreading more of its evil
Destroying other soldiers
Invading other troop
The one who looked hell
Straight in the eye
And battled until her heart
Couldn't take the pain anymore
My small soldier deserves more than an ode
Instead: a statue built to the sky
As a long over-due
Thanks to you
- PatInTheHat
To a soft spoken
Small soldier
Wreaks internal havoc
I do not judge her size
As the strength of her heart
Beats ammunition into
The demon of my soul
The bullet holes released
The light from the darkness
The light I thought I lost
In a previous life
I fought the soldier as
She struggled to fight
The overbearing opaque world
That lived inside of me
The battle grew fierce
And the strength of her heart
Seemed to be winning
Until I helped the demon
With my shaking fingers
I closed each bullet portal
That she had created
In an effort to save me
And my small soldier began to break
The cracks of darkness from the demon
Spread like the fire in hell and
Fear spread to her
And the base of her troop
I became the demon
And the demon became me
The troop knew the way to
Defeat the darkness of the demon
Was to defeat me
Time killed the demon
That once lived inside of me
But not before haphazardly
Spreading more of its evil
Destroying other soldiers
Invading other troop
The one who looked hell
Straight in the eye
And battled until her heart
Couldn't take the pain anymore
My small soldier deserves more than an ode
Instead: a statue built to the sky
As a long over-due
Thanks to you
- PatInTheHat
Monday, October 24, 2016
Stress, My Cardio Path
Glass spills on the counter-top
The rest of what I've got
Cotton cloth caught calling
Monster molding more maladies
From the sand clock
Is it that I am repressed?
Or is it that this beating heart
Sees no boundaries around you?
When you leave, it's like you die.
And then I must find
Somewhere in time
A place where you do not exist
- PatInTheHat
The rest of what I've got
Cotton cloth caught calling
Monster molding more maladies
From the sand clock
Is it that I am repressed?
Or is it that this beating heart
Sees no boundaries around you?
When you leave, it's like you die.
And then I must find
Somewhere in time
A place where you do not exist
- PatInTheHat
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Windows windows, windows exist windows in windows, were windows due windows the windows that windows couldn't windows broomsticks through windows windows.
Monday, October 10, 2016
The Forgotten Longing
How I know I love you
Is not due to my romantics
Or how I care for you when you are sick
It is the feeling I get
As my stomach fails to set
As my stomach fails to set
When I know you are going to leave...
- PatInTheHat
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
I only wish
that people read
what I am about
in the hopes that I'm
better understood
by those who
see me as
just a blank canvas
- PatInTheHat
that people read
what I am about
in the hopes that I'm
better understood
by those who
see me as
just a blank canvas
- PatInTheHat
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Of Me
My energy
Quickly and
Siphoned from my
Collapsing veins
Hello, body traveler
Crux of my
You are my
Intangible nightmare
I cannot see you
But I feel you
Deep within
Latched to organs with
No voice to scream
In pain
They lose function
As the indomitable
Quickly and
Siphoned from my
Collapsing veins
Hello, body traveler
Crux of my
You are my
Intangible nightmare
I cannot see you
But I feel you
Deep within
Latched to organs with
No voice to scream
In pain
They lose function
As the indomitable
Like ants
Find other
Equally nutrient
Gravity is
Ineffective here
So the colony
For a new home
It is satisfied
With my
As its bungalow
And my
And my
For sustenance
This leech of me
This leech of me
The wind taken
From my sails
But now
I wonder
Am I "it"
Or is "it"
Eyes clouded
Headed high
And still
I wonder
Am I "it"
Or is "it"
Another breath
System fails
Until I can't
Where is "it"
Where is
This is how
It has to be
- PatInTheHat
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Water Bags
Bound by this
Easily penetrable
Outer layer
I walk as a
Rain cloud
Though I look
I emit static
Painfully yet
The reaction of which is
If agitated
Or perhaps
That is just
A transparent
A ghost of
Forlorn and
It hides
Under the
Wrinkled and
Bed sheets of
Aesthetically displeasing
And utterly morbid
I am a
Water bag
In order to drink
You must
Cut me open
Pierce the skin
And the heart
But will you
The dam you broke
Or will you
Let it flow
Because you like
The taste of red and
The smell of copper
I can be
Beaten by
A pin-prick
And saved by
A band-aid
So long as
The water knows
Where to go
Teach it and
Set me free
- PatInTheHat
Bound by this
Easily penetrable
Outer layer
I walk as a
Rain cloud
Though I look
I emit static
Painfully yet
The reaction of which is
If agitated
Or perhaps
That is just
A transparent
A ghost of
Forlorn and
It hides
Under the
Wrinkled and
Bed sheets of
Aesthetically displeasing
And utterly morbid
I am a
Water bag
In order to drink
You must
Cut me open
Pierce the skin
And the heart
But will you
The dam you broke
Or will you
Let it flow
Because you like
The taste of red and
The smell of copper
I can be
Beaten by
A pin-prick
And saved by
A band-aid
So long as
The water knows
Where to go
Teach it and
Set me free
- PatInTheHat
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Third Party (Update)
Alright, guys. I think it's time I write a more formal post about the third party candidates that have grown in popularity during this election cycle. I have had many conversations with many different people on this topic; therefore, instead of having more disgruntled arguments that tend to just result in party bashing, let me give you a more well-formulated summary of what the third party candidates mean to me, as well as what they mean to me in this election cycle.
I genuinely appreciate everyone who has had a hand in bringing the third-party conversation up. I know many of you who have been adamantly against Hillary and Trump think that I'm just ridiculously closed-minded to the Democratic agenda, but I can assure you that so long as anyone can present me with an abundance of facts about a different and better candidate my mind is, indeed, swayable. If those facts that you believe in are ones that I don't, then that's just that, but I have, and have continued to, research all 4 candidates in the current election cycle. There are pros and cons to each of them.
That said, I think a more open-minded person would realize that the situation, as dire as it is, does not facilitate the start of the third party conversation in this election cycle. Though my sample space is only those that I know, and not the millions of those that I don't, the unanimous consensus is that no one wants Trump to be president. Like, literally, not a single person I have talked to, which is including the third party supporters, want Trump to be president in an alternate universe let alone this one. About 75% of those unanimously against Trump--and that percentage is definitely a rough estimate and by no means an empirical value--and are for a third partier do not want Hillary Clinton to be president, but would be able to tolerate her presidency. The majority of the 25% of the people that wouldn't be able to tolerate Trump OR Clinton understand that their votes will hardly matter this election, but will vote for a third party anyway thinking that it'll help those third partiers for the next election cycle. The fact is, though, that the growth of a third party happens over time and not instantaneously as the video below will illustrate. That growth does not necessarily come from more votes for that party's presidential candidate each cycle, but rather from votes for that specific third party throughout Congressional elections. Moreover, the evolution of a third party will simply mean the destruction of another, and thus we'll be right back to a two-party system anyway due to first-past-the-post election process that we currently use in the US--this information is specifically geared toward the "I'm sick of the two-party system!" people.
As the above video illustrates: If we're not careful Trump could become president purely because someone like Gary Johnson is closer in ideology to Hillary than to Trump, therefore spreading the vote and allowing Trump to win the candidacy. ( I would also recommend watching the video on Alternative Voting! If there's one thing we may be able to change sooner rather than later, it's the way our system votes, and Alternative Voting would make more than two parties semi-relevant to very relevant every single election cycle!)
Secondly, if any of the third party candidates were as star-spangled awesome as they make themselves out to be, I would totally be on board! There was a guy in this election cycle that WAS that awesome. And I'm pretty sure we all remember Bernie Sanders! There are many of you out there that have switched to a third party ideal because Bernie is no longer in the race. And now, not only is there 3 parties, there are 4! And not one media station uses the term "Fourth party," but that's exactly what there is. Personally, if I found out that enough people would write down "Bernie Sanders" on the ballot come November, then I would totally do the same! However, I know that doing so is a wasted vote. I know that by writing anyone's name down that isn't already on the major ballot will be a vote straight to the garbage bin. Therefore, my attention has to be diverted elsewhere. To some of you that has seemed like a closed minded idea, but I can't figure out how it could be. As I said, I was a huge Bernie Sanders supporter, but once I found out he was going to lose--whether the primaries were rigged or not--I had to divert my attention elsewhere. I also received criticism for changing sides--so I guess I can't do that either?--but I had to rid my mind of conspiracy theories and simply look at the facts. He was not going to win, which means I had to look to someone not named Trump that had a real fighting chance of winning the general election. For those unaware, Trump had the most votes during the Repub primary this year in history. This is alarming.
Lastly, it might not seem like it right now, but voting for a third party candidate this election, in line with the First Past The Post system I posted a video about above, is against our own interests. I'm aware that the voting system is neither reasonable or fair, but that's why I attempted to also bring up Alternative Voting, which is one thing I think we can all agree is a better process. It's not a perfect process by any means, but it's better than what we have. To paraphrase a friend of mine having a similar discussion: If we vote a third party candidate we'll feel good about ourselves, but the vote won't help us accomplish anything we want done. In order for that to happen, we need to be more vocal with our representatives that can actually help change happen regardless of party alliance. Yes, some representatives suck, and we don't realize how much they suck sometimes until they're in office striking down the 9/11 First Responders bill or something, but if we speak up and speak loud enough we can change enough minds to practically reverse the ideologies of the parties. Let's not forget, when Lincoln was president, he was a Republican; however, a Republican then is a modern-day Democrat in beliefs. So although we want change, and many of us feel like a third party is the way that change occurs, that's not really the truth. There aren't enough third (or fourth) party members in Congress to help a president of that party make changes. Change is not overnight. It takes time. Even if we currently didn't live in a FPTP environment, there would still need to be a large amount of those party members in Congress to make a difference.
Ultimately, I applaud those that want change. I do! I constantly use the quote from Teddy Roosevelt that states, and I'm paraphrasing again, in any given decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. Due to the situation we have this election cycle I see voting for Hillary as the best thing we can do. I see voting Donald Trump to be the wrong thing to do (It's disgusting to think that is the second best thing, right?), and I see voting a third party candidate, given the sheer mathematical improbability of any of them winning and against our own interests it would be, to be like doing nothing. I understand the desire for change! But like Barack Obama asked for during his campaign in '07, in order to make change we need people to work together and speak loudly! If we keep pointing the finger at those we don't like instead of studying their values, principles, and policies, then we're just hypocrites, right?
The following article is from Robert Reich, who was the Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton. Whether you're for or against Hillary Clinton, I really think you should read this! Reich is really good at putting this election cycle into perspective. What's cool for me is that he wrote this shortly after I wrote this original post. It seems that him and I have a similar mindset.
- PatInTheHat
I genuinely appreciate everyone who has had a hand in bringing the third-party conversation up. I know many of you who have been adamantly against Hillary and Trump think that I'm just ridiculously closed-minded to the Democratic agenda, but I can assure you that so long as anyone can present me with an abundance of facts about a different and better candidate my mind is, indeed, swayable. If those facts that you believe in are ones that I don't, then that's just that, but I have, and have continued to, research all 4 candidates in the current election cycle. There are pros and cons to each of them.
That said, I think a more open-minded person would realize that the situation, as dire as it is, does not facilitate the start of the third party conversation in this election cycle. Though my sample space is only those that I know, and not the millions of those that I don't, the unanimous consensus is that no one wants Trump to be president. Like, literally, not a single person I have talked to, which is including the third party supporters, want Trump to be president in an alternate universe let alone this one. About 75% of those unanimously against Trump--and that percentage is definitely a rough estimate and by no means an empirical value--and are for a third partier do not want Hillary Clinton to be president, but would be able to tolerate her presidency. The majority of the 25% of the people that wouldn't be able to tolerate Trump OR Clinton understand that their votes will hardly matter this election, but will vote for a third party anyway thinking that it'll help those third partiers for the next election cycle. The fact is, though, that the growth of a third party happens over time and not instantaneously as the video below will illustrate. That growth does not necessarily come from more votes for that party's presidential candidate each cycle, but rather from votes for that specific third party throughout Congressional elections. Moreover, the evolution of a third party will simply mean the destruction of another, and thus we'll be right back to a two-party system anyway due to first-past-the-post election process that we currently use in the US--this information is specifically geared toward the "I'm sick of the two-party system!" people.
As the above video illustrates: If we're not careful Trump could become president purely because someone like Gary Johnson is closer in ideology to Hillary than to Trump, therefore spreading the vote and allowing Trump to win the candidacy. ( I would also recommend watching the video on Alternative Voting! If there's one thing we may be able to change sooner rather than later, it's the way our system votes, and Alternative Voting would make more than two parties semi-relevant to very relevant every single election cycle!)
Secondly, if any of the third party candidates were as star-spangled awesome as they make themselves out to be, I would totally be on board! There was a guy in this election cycle that WAS that awesome. And I'm pretty sure we all remember Bernie Sanders! There are many of you out there that have switched to a third party ideal because Bernie is no longer in the race. And now, not only is there 3 parties, there are 4! And not one media station uses the term "Fourth party," but that's exactly what there is. Personally, if I found out that enough people would write down "Bernie Sanders" on the ballot come November, then I would totally do the same! However, I know that doing so is a wasted vote. I know that by writing anyone's name down that isn't already on the major ballot will be a vote straight to the garbage bin. Therefore, my attention has to be diverted elsewhere. To some of you that has seemed like a closed minded idea, but I can't figure out how it could be. As I said, I was a huge Bernie Sanders supporter, but once I found out he was going to lose--whether the primaries were rigged or not--I had to divert my attention elsewhere. I also received criticism for changing sides--so I guess I can't do that either?--but I had to rid my mind of conspiracy theories and simply look at the facts. He was not going to win, which means I had to look to someone not named Trump that had a real fighting chance of winning the general election. For those unaware, Trump had the most votes during the Repub primary this year in history. This is alarming.
Lastly, it might not seem like it right now, but voting for a third party candidate this election, in line with the First Past The Post system I posted a video about above, is against our own interests. I'm aware that the voting system is neither reasonable or fair, but that's why I attempted to also bring up Alternative Voting, which is one thing I think we can all agree is a better process. It's not a perfect process by any means, but it's better than what we have. To paraphrase a friend of mine having a similar discussion: If we vote a third party candidate we'll feel good about ourselves, but the vote won't help us accomplish anything we want done. In order for that to happen, we need to be more vocal with our representatives that can actually help change happen regardless of party alliance. Yes, some representatives suck, and we don't realize how much they suck sometimes until they're in office striking down the 9/11 First Responders bill or something, but if we speak up and speak loud enough we can change enough minds to practically reverse the ideologies of the parties. Let's not forget, when Lincoln was president, he was a Republican; however, a Republican then is a modern-day Democrat in beliefs. So although we want change, and many of us feel like a third party is the way that change occurs, that's not really the truth. There aren't enough third (or fourth) party members in Congress to help a president of that party make changes. Change is not overnight. It takes time. Even if we currently didn't live in a FPTP environment, there would still need to be a large amount of those party members in Congress to make a difference.
Ultimately, I applaud those that want change. I do! I constantly use the quote from Teddy Roosevelt that states, and I'm paraphrasing again, in any given decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. Due to the situation we have this election cycle I see voting for Hillary as the best thing we can do. I see voting Donald Trump to be the wrong thing to do (It's disgusting to think that is the second best thing, right?), and I see voting a third party candidate, given the sheer mathematical improbability of any of them winning and against our own interests it would be, to be like doing nothing. I understand the desire for change! But like Barack Obama asked for during his campaign in '07, in order to make change we need people to work together and speak loudly! If we keep pointing the finger at those we don't like instead of studying their values, principles, and policies, then we're just hypocrites, right?
The following article is from Robert Reich, who was the Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton. Whether you're for or against Hillary Clinton, I really think you should read this! Reich is really good at putting this election cycle into perspective. What's cool for me is that he wrote this shortly after I wrote this original post. It seems that him and I have a similar mindset.
- PatInTheHat
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Black Famous Person Does Something Disagreeable; Media, Nation Watch Every Move He Makes
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - While taking part in a charity event that helps fund the eradication of diseases that effect ailing children, controversial black sports player, Kris Cristobal, answered questions from media outlets about that not-so-outlandish thing he did of which many disagreed with. "Some things I just really don't feel like doing. Like, the other week, I was outside and never put sunscreen on. Apparently paparazzi was outside my house to witness the lack of action," said a perplexed Cristobal after fielding the question from a lackadaisical and semi-racist reporter who really has no idea what real reporting is, "You don't seem very black, so why don't you wear sunscreen?"
Standing at 6'7", Kris is revered as someone who really does that sports thing like no other. He sportses so well that any little thing he does is magnified by a billion, which is why when he decided to stand for the entire duration of mass on a Sunday with random media and reporters to watch and record behind the opaque stained glass of his local cathedral, many people took to social media outlets to voice their disdain once the videos landed on the webosphere.
"I just wanted to show awareness that the Church, after all these years, still doesn't pay taxes, and it could very well be the reason this country that I love is in economic distress," announced Cristobal on Sunday afternoon.
"I just couldn't believe it," said one confused church patron, "he just kept standing. In a prayer session where you sometimes sit, sometimes stand, and sometimes kneel, he went and did that one thing that no one, not even God himself likes--he stood the entire time. He was, for all intents and purposes, a real stand-up guy. No one likes that, and frankly, I question whether or not he's even Christian."
"I, for one, didn't necessarily agree with his stance," retorted a more logical church goer that first made sense and then drifted into insanity, "but I'll say this: At least he's not one of those people that sit the entire time. Those people I. Can't. Stand! Err, I mean, I CAN stand, I just meant that I'm not one of those sit...oh, nevermind. All-in-all, I get what he was going for, I just wish he used a different method to get his point across, like going to the rectory later on to tell the priests that they're doing a bad job or something."
A day later, media outlets continued to follow every move Kris made. "Oh, look! He's wearing a tie that has Jesus flying on a statue of Buddha! Let's spin the story so that we make people think that he hates all religions!" shouted a lazy, pathetic, and overall asinine news reporter that popped out of the shrubbery from Cristobal's front yard. Completely ignoring the rest of his black tuxedo outfit.
At press time, Cristobal is about to give another speech on how he's tired of the games played outside of the sports stadiums that he lives and dies for every day.
Standing at 6'7", Kris is revered as someone who really does that sports thing like no other. He sportses so well that any little thing he does is magnified by a billion, which is why when he decided to stand for the entire duration of mass on a Sunday with random media and reporters to watch and record behind the opaque stained glass of his local cathedral, many people took to social media outlets to voice their disdain once the videos landed on the webosphere.
"I just wanted to show awareness that the Church, after all these years, still doesn't pay taxes, and it could very well be the reason this country that I love is in economic distress," announced Cristobal on Sunday afternoon.
"I just couldn't believe it," said one confused church patron, "he just kept standing. In a prayer session where you sometimes sit, sometimes stand, and sometimes kneel, he went and did that one thing that no one, not even God himself likes--he stood the entire time. He was, for all intents and purposes, a real stand-up guy. No one likes that, and frankly, I question whether or not he's even Christian."
"I, for one, didn't necessarily agree with his stance," retorted a more logical church goer that first made sense and then drifted into insanity, "but I'll say this: At least he's not one of those people that sit the entire time. Those people I. Can't. Stand! Err, I mean, I CAN stand, I just meant that I'm not one of those sit...oh, nevermind. All-in-all, I get what he was going for, I just wish he used a different method to get his point across, like going to the rectory later on to tell the priests that they're doing a bad job or something."
A day later, media outlets continued to follow every move Kris made. "Oh, look! He's wearing a tie that has Jesus flying on a statue of Buddha! Let's spin the story so that we make people think that he hates all religions!" shouted a lazy, pathetic, and overall asinine news reporter that popped out of the shrubbery from Cristobal's front yard. Completely ignoring the rest of his black tuxedo outfit.
At press time, Cristobal is about to give another speech on how he's tired of the games played outside of the sports stadiums that he lives and dies for every day.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
After a gentle sob in her hands
She looked up at me and said,
"It's too much, you see,
It's too much for me
I must move on and
Let you do the same"
Under the umbrella of
An unfinished affair
I felt a pull one day,
A curious reeling sensation that
Started to move me somewhere
That I had once been
I had come to the potential
And uncomfortable realization
That I am Pinocchio
Before the cricket
And the wish
Yet still lying with others
Each woman
A pair of scissors
Forebodingly and unsuccessfully
Cutting their way through
The silk strings
That have me captured
Though it feels like
I am inside the web
Of a spider enchantress
Ready to suck
The entire life
Out of its force-tied prey
I feel instead
A sense of morbid curiosity
Hoping that the
Webbed lasso
Squeezing itself around my ribcage
Is just a warm blanket
The pull strengthens
And I give in
To the recoil I feel
From the back of
My heart to the
Front of hers
It did not matter that
The beat of her heart
Created an earthquake
That spread us apart
Because the strings
Held us together
'Til death
- PatInTheHat
She looked up at me and said,
"It's too much, you see,
It's too much for me
I must move on and
Let you do the same"
Under the umbrella of
An unfinished affair
I felt a pull one day,
A curious reeling sensation that
Started to move me somewhere
That I had once been
I had come to the potential
And uncomfortable realization
That I am Pinocchio
Before the cricket
And the wish
Yet still lying with others
Each woman
A pair of scissors
Forebodingly and unsuccessfully
Cutting their way through
The silk strings
That have me captured
Though it feels like
I am inside the web
Of a spider enchantress
Ready to suck
The entire life
Out of its force-tied prey
I feel instead
A sense of morbid curiosity
Hoping that the
Webbed lasso
Squeezing itself around my ribcage
Is just a warm blanket
The pull strengthens
And I give in
To the recoil I feel
From the back of
My heart to the
Front of hers
It did not matter that
The beat of her heart
Created an earthquake
That spread us apart
Because the strings
Held us together
'Til death
- PatInTheHat
Thursday, August 18, 2016
He sat there
Talking with friends
That did everything
They could
To keep his attention
Five feet away
But as far reaching
As the Atlantic
Between the US
And the UK
In silence
He listened carefully
But in his mind
He ran quickly
In another direction
Trying to forget
The idiosyncrasies
That allowed her
To pierce his heart
Of layered gauze
The catch of
This well-done
Cooked scenario
Branded his brain
With contention
A lifetime
He lived rooted in the ground
Next to perpetual
And cyclical
Fervid chrysanthemums
- PatInTheHat
Talking with friends
That did everything
They could
To keep his attention
Five feet away
But as far reaching
As the Atlantic
Between the US
And the UK
In silence
He listened carefully
But in his mind
He ran quickly
In another direction
Trying to forget
The idiosyncrasies
That allowed her
To pierce his heart
Of layered gauze
The catch of
This well-done
Cooked scenario
Branded his brain
With contention
A lifetime
He lived rooted in the ground
Next to perpetual
And cyclical
Fervid chrysanthemums
- PatInTheHat
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
So We Thought
pasta is bubbling on the stove
water sizzling and hissing
mingling with the sighs of simmering sauce
left unattended
the cat sits on the table
whining for our affection
but you pull me close
and we sway
slow dancing in the kitchen
the tiles cool beneath my bare toes
my knees graze your calves
you hum Sinatra and smile down at me
eyes crinkling at the corners
I stare into their shadowed depths and
think of the river
cool breeze on an Autumn night
no stars in the sky as we sit in my car
tangled in the seat belt
my knees squeezing your thighs
a forbidden first kiss
telling you “we can't do this”
as I pull you closer
I pull you closer
twirl my fingers through your hair
the way you've twirled yourself around my heart
lodged between ribs
twined in veins
rooted deeply
resting my head against your chest
I feel your heart beat
your erratic pulse,
nervous energy
salesman's smile and
shaky pitch
my legs just barely touching yours
on that hard, black futon
unforgiving, judging us
as I held your hand,
brushing my lips against your finger
saying, “we can't do this,”
as I pull you closer
I pull you closer.
I know I should tell you
“we can't do this right now
the pasta will turn to mush
and the sauce will bubble over.
we need to chastise the cat
for sitting on the table,”
but instead
I frame your face in my hands
tiptoe into the kiss
and say,
“we can do this”
water boiling, bubbling, banging
pasta gasping for air, a companion
sauce in reach
left unattended
a furry thud comes from the table
the cat whines and wins a glance from you
but I pull you close to me
and we sway
slow dancing in the kitchen
distractions disappear, my forehead to yours
hips moving in unison, attached
I hum Sinatra and you smile up at me
I stop abruptly, “more?” you ask
I shake my head shyly and
recall the cafeteria
dark and dimly lit corners
no one around but you and I
tangled in our delicate ideas
your hand caressing my face
a forbidden first kiss
whispering to you artificial apologies
as I pull you closer
I pull you closer
envelop my arms around your waist
the way you’ve enveloped your love around my heart
nestled against my aorta
filling each ventricle with warm flames
forever ablaze
your head rests against my chest
my heart flutters in a rush of joy
your smile
a moment, translucent
your influx of concern
coming and going
wanting to see that smile again
enjoying the moment
could be the last
it’s not the last
it won’t be the last
I hope we can do this
I know we can do this
“This is it,” I say
more confident than ever
still dancing smoothly
cherishing each moment
each movement
you kiss my lips softly
as if it’s the last
but I have no worry
it’s your heart touching mine
breathing with mine
we then say in harmony,
“we can do this”
- PatInTheHat
pasta is bubbling on the stove
water sizzling and hissing
mingling with the sighs of simmering sauce
left unattended
the cat sits on the table
whining for our affection
but you pull me close
and we sway
slow dancing in the kitchen
the tiles cool beneath my bare toes
my knees graze your calves
you hum Sinatra and smile down at me
eyes crinkling at the corners
I stare into their shadowed depths and
think of the river
cool breeze on an Autumn night
no stars in the sky as we sit in my car
tangled in the seat belt
my knees squeezing your thighs
a forbidden first kiss
telling you “we can't do this”
as I pull you closer
I pull you closer
twirl my fingers through your hair
the way you've twirled yourself around my heart
lodged between ribs
twined in veins
rooted deeply
resting my head against your chest
I feel your heart beat
your erratic pulse,
nervous energy
salesman's smile and
shaky pitch
my legs just barely touching yours
on that hard, black futon
unforgiving, judging us
as I held your hand,
brushing my lips against your finger
saying, “we can't do this,”
as I pull you closer
I pull you closer.
I know I should tell you
“we can't do this right now
the pasta will turn to mush
and the sauce will bubble over.
we need to chastise the cat
for sitting on the table,”
but instead
I frame your face in my hands
tiptoe into the kiss
and say,
“we can do this”
water boiling, bubbling, banging
pasta gasping for air, a companion
sauce in reach
left unattended
a furry thud comes from the table
the cat whines and wins a glance from you
but I pull you close to me
and we sway
slow dancing in the kitchen
distractions disappear, my forehead to yours
hips moving in unison, attached
I hum Sinatra and you smile up at me
I stop abruptly, “more?” you ask
I shake my head shyly and
recall the cafeteria
dark and dimly lit corners
no one around but you and I
tangled in our delicate ideas
your hand caressing my face
a forbidden first kiss
whispering to you artificial apologies
as I pull you closer
I pull you closer
envelop my arms around your waist
the way you’ve enveloped your love around my heart
nestled against my aorta
filling each ventricle with warm flames
forever ablaze
your head rests against my chest
my heart flutters in a rush of joy
your smile
a moment, translucent
your influx of concern
coming and going
wanting to see that smile again
enjoying the moment
could be the last
it’s not the last
it won’t be the last
I hope we can do this
I know we can do this
“This is it,” I say
more confident than ever
still dancing smoothly
cherishing each moment
each movement
you kiss my lips softly
as if it’s the last
but I have no worry
it’s your heart touching mine
breathing with mine
we then say in harmony,
“we can do this”
- PatInTheHat
Please don't harm the outside of
this priceless stone I found.
It has only been a short time since
I dug her from the ground.
this priceless stone I found.
It has only been a short time since
I dug her from the ground.
She glistens in the moonlight
and blends with twinkled stars.
More beautiful than the lapidary
forming undulating scars.
and blends with twinkled stars.
More beautiful than the lapidary
forming undulating scars.
She reconciles with yellow
and makes friends with rain.
She flushes away the darkness
and relinquishes the pain.
and makes friends with rain.
She flushes away the darkness
and relinquishes the pain.
What am I to do now when I
take a loving knee?
Because there's nothing I can give
her that's more precious than she.
take a loving knee?
Because there's nothing I can give
her that's more precious than she.
- PatInTheHat
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Dear ,
Hello, there. Though I may never meet you, I want you to know you are beautiful. Your beauty emanates in the way you walk and talk. That will never change.
Hello, there. You are my transparent daydreams. I cannot see you, but I know you are there somewhere. I hope you are happy and rid of any malcontent. You deserve to be happy.
Hello, there. I want you to know that I'm ready. I'm ready for your poor grammar and punctuation. Your silly shoes and frizzy hair. I'm ready for your ups and downs, because we all have them. None of that matters in the long-run after all, right? I'm ready if you are ready. Is there such a thing as being ready?
Hello, there. It is cold and snowy out, but your warmth cascades over those closest to you. It is no wonder they love you so much.
Hello, there. What are you afraid of? Is it the future, or is it the past? Both are terrifying in their own right, but, I wonder, which are you closest to? No matter, dear. We'll fight through the demons just as you have always been able to do on your own. You are strong. But together: immortal.
Hello, there. Are you there? I cannot see through the haze, but I guess I should trust that you are there. Do not go too far. Please stay safe.
Goodbye for now. Hope to see you soon.
Hello, there. Though I may never meet you, I want you to know you are beautiful. Your beauty emanates in the way you walk and talk. That will never change.
Hello, there. You are my transparent daydreams. I cannot see you, but I know you are there somewhere. I hope you are happy and rid of any malcontent. You deserve to be happy.
Hello, there. I want you to know that I'm ready. I'm ready for your poor grammar and punctuation. Your silly shoes and frizzy hair. I'm ready for your ups and downs, because we all have them. None of that matters in the long-run after all, right? I'm ready if you are ready. Is there such a thing as being ready?
Hello, there. It is cold and snowy out, but your warmth cascades over those closest to you. It is no wonder they love you so much.
Hello, there. What are you afraid of? Is it the future, or is it the past? Both are terrifying in their own right, but, I wonder, which are you closest to? No matter, dear. We'll fight through the demons just as you have always been able to do on your own. You are strong. But together: immortal.
Hello, there. Are you there? I cannot see through the haze, but I guess I should trust that you are there. Do not go too far. Please stay safe.
Goodbye for now. Hope to see you soon.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Wake Up Call
Dear Everyone I Know,
I'm going to make this short, sweet, and to the point.
If you do not know by now, then it's time that you are informed that the UK has voted to leave the EU. Without knowing a lot about the global economy, I'm sure your first thought is, "I don't get it, why do I care?" Well, one of the main reasons you should care is that the same fear-mongering that has worked here with Trump, actually WORKED in the EU. People who were terrified of immigration decided to secede from the European Union in an attempt to remain safe. This quasi-rational attempt is going to have a lot of negative economic implications across the board. Similarly, if we (the US) are content to assume, because of the polling process, that Hillary is going to beat Trump without actually going out to vote, then the same exact thing will happen in this country. We will accidentally give the election to Donald Trump, and then we will have to suffer the consequences of electing a man who fear-mongers and separates us as people even further. We MUST stay as united as possible. It's the only way we can defeat the idea of hate in a society so bent on imploding.
This also means that we can't allow a 3rd party candidate to steal votes from Hillary. If we do that, we give Trump a better chance of succeeding (sorry Gary Johnson fans, but that's just the truth). I hope all of you will heed this warning, as it is imperative we come together and make sure that more negative history is not a part of our future.
As bad as the EU referendum is, just think of how ridiculous things will get globally with a Trump presidency.
I'm going to make this short, sweet, and to the point.
If you do not know by now, then it's time that you are informed that the UK has voted to leave the EU. Without knowing a lot about the global economy, I'm sure your first thought is, "I don't get it, why do I care?" Well, one of the main reasons you should care is that the same fear-mongering that has worked here with Trump, actually WORKED in the EU. People who were terrified of immigration decided to secede from the European Union in an attempt to remain safe. This quasi-rational attempt is going to have a lot of negative economic implications across the board. Similarly, if we (the US) are content to assume, because of the polling process, that Hillary is going to beat Trump without actually going out to vote, then the same exact thing will happen in this country. We will accidentally give the election to Donald Trump, and then we will have to suffer the consequences of electing a man who fear-mongers and separates us as people even further. We MUST stay as united as possible. It's the only way we can defeat the idea of hate in a society so bent on imploding.
This also means that we can't allow a 3rd party candidate to steal votes from Hillary. If we do that, we give Trump a better chance of succeeding (sorry Gary Johnson fans, but that's just the truth). I hope all of you will heed this warning, as it is imperative we come together and make sure that more negative history is not a part of our future.
As bad as the EU referendum is, just think of how ridiculous things will get globally with a Trump presidency.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Eyes move rapidly
To the right
To the left
What is this?
Where am I?
Shackled to dusty dungeon posts
Am I in Hell?
Or is this just
The bastard's cell?
I can't tell
Must fish for something
A key on this cement floor
With one arm free
All I feel is bitter cold
All I see is nowhere to go
All I know is nothing
How do I survive?
Body shaking
Heartbeat echoes
Stabbed in the arm
By this bastard's
Saving nothing
Destroying everything
I am a bank
Withdrawing previously unneeded necessity
Depositing vomit in the stale
Dank corner of this
Prize on concrete
I wither
I look at death
And I kiss it
Without affection
But with confidence
It will not get me
And I will tease it
Until I am found
Though I am not lost
Downward spiraling
Going inane
Earnest clown without visible audience
Is this someone's game?
To this thirst
This starvation
I call on the impossible
Instead of breaking these chains
I will break this post
Willed by feint breaths
One more bang
One more pull
One more bang
One more pull
One more bang
One more pull
One more bang
One more pull
Last breath
- PatInTheHat
Eyes move rapidly
To the right
To the left
What is this?
Where am I?
Shackled to dusty dungeon posts
Am I in Hell?
Or is this just
The bastard's cell?
I can't tell
Must fish for something
A key on this cement floor
With one arm free
All I feel is bitter cold
All I see is nowhere to go
All I know is nothing
How do I survive?
Body shaking
Heartbeat echoes
Stabbed in the arm
By this bastard's
Saving nothing
Destroying everything
I am a bank
Withdrawing previously unneeded necessity
Depositing vomit in the stale
Dank corner of this
Prize on concrete
I wither
I look at death
And I kiss it
Without affection
But with confidence
It will not get me
And I will tease it
Until I am found
Though I am not lost
Downward spiraling
Going inane
Earnest clown without visible audience
Is this someone's game?
To this thirst
This starvation
I call on the impossible
Instead of breaking these chains
I will break this post
Willed by feint breaths
One more bang
One more pull
One more bang
One more pull
One more bang
One more pull
One more bang
One more pull
Last breath
- PatInTheHat
Monday, June 20, 2016
One to Ten
First insecurity vanquished
Second hand held to comfort
Third moment that time stood still
Fourth permanent memory made
Fifth future reevaluation
Sixth understated comment on her own intelligence
Seventh inessential dab of makeup to hide her perfections
Eighth copybook kiss that accidentally smudged her lipstick
Ninth time she smiled this minute
Tenth reason to stay through time
- PatInTheHat
Second hand held to comfort
Third moment that time stood still
Fourth permanent memory made
Fifth future reevaluation
Sixth understated comment on her own intelligence
Seventh inessential dab of makeup to hide her perfections
Eighth copybook kiss that accidentally smudged her lipstick
Ninth time she smiled this minute
Tenth reason to stay through time
- PatInTheHat
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Early Goodbye (Orlando)
I am not the face of an important news outlet. I am just some guy that wears trillbies and writes a blog.
That said, I feel, in the short time subsequent to the horrific gun violence in Orlando, obligated to say something about this event.
On Saturday night I was, like many American millenials, in a club/bar of some kind having an awesome time. Around the 2am hour of Sunday morning, I was safely leaving towards home with my friends. We all made it home safely that night, and fell asleep to the peaceful sound of silence.
Those were the first thoughts I had the moment I found out about the shooting. I was instantaneously paralyzed with grief. "This could have happened to anyone," I thought. Friends, loved ones, students, brothers, mothers, and sisters were taken away from us that morning. Though we do not know them like the living loved ones of the victims undoubtedly do, I use the word "us" because they were our friends, loved ones, students, brothers, mothers, and sisters, too. This is how we should view them.
Empathy is a lost emotion that hides behind the shadows of political foolishness and is consumed by fear. We cannot allow that to be true. We currently live in a world where a man named Trump is able to use the death of 49 people as a means to deliver an "I told you so" message without any societal repercussions. His messages, unfortunately, are validated by the millions of people that side with this ignoramus.
It hurts.
To my friends and family: I love you. If these last three years have proven anything, it is that life is more fleeting than ever before. I hope that you or I are not the victims of tragedy, but recent history is telling me that it can happen at any time. Therefore, in case I am unable to tell you before either of us perish, you should know that I love you.
I sincerely believe that I would not have to deliver this somber, morbid message if change happened after 20 children and 6 heroes were slaughtered - among other such mass murders that happen more often than there are NOT mass murders per year - by the same weapons that slaughtered the 49 friends, loved ones, students, brothers, mothers, and sisters in Orlando. In 3 plus years since that deadly attack nothing has changed. Therefore, it should not behoove me to believe that change will happen now, right? There should be change. I should believe that anything, even something, would change. If I lived in Australia I would be able to accept such belief. But recent history tells me that I would be a fool to accept that belief as reality in the "land of the free and the home of the brave."
Outside of these attacks, the majority of the country has spoken. They do not want change. They want governmental status quo, in the name of Hillary Clinton, or 50 plus years of regression, in the name of Donald Trump. That is what the country wants. This is not even a point of argument. It is the truth. (As an aside: I would gladly take status quo - with the hint of social progress as the first female president of the USA - over live-action "the floor is lava" any day.)
Watching Anderson Cooper read off every individual person who died Sunday morning, along with brief stories about them, was one of the most heart-wrenching segments I have watched in my 25 years of life. Is it not sad that these people are a designated blip on the mass-shootings-in-the-US-this-year map? And if change does not happen, that's all they'll ever be. They will have died for nothing. The LEAST we can do as a country is to ensure that these people died for progress. Died for prevention. Died for safety. Died for something more than another, "Oh, hey look, that thing happened again." I'm perfectly fine with talking about these horrific occurrences, but only if talking about it leads to doing something about it. Only if it leads to action.
Because action speaks louder than any moments of silence, any continuing news coverage, and any somber fucking blog post.
Kudos to all of the first responders, to all the heroes that came out of Sunday morning, and to all of the blood donors and donators that flocked to the attention of the suffering people left in the carnage. You are the silver-lining in all of this. You are Orlando.
I leave you with this John Green video in remembrance of the fallen:
- PatInTheHat
That said, I feel, in the short time subsequent to the horrific gun violence in Orlando, obligated to say something about this event.
On Saturday night I was, like many American millenials, in a club/bar of some kind having an awesome time. Around the 2am hour of Sunday morning, I was safely leaving towards home with my friends. We all made it home safely that night, and fell asleep to the peaceful sound of silence.
Those were the first thoughts I had the moment I found out about the shooting. I was instantaneously paralyzed with grief. "This could have happened to anyone," I thought. Friends, loved ones, students, brothers, mothers, and sisters were taken away from us that morning. Though we do not know them like the living loved ones of the victims undoubtedly do, I use the word "us" because they were our friends, loved ones, students, brothers, mothers, and sisters, too. This is how we should view them.
Empathy is a lost emotion that hides behind the shadows of political foolishness and is consumed by fear. We cannot allow that to be true. We currently live in a world where a man named Trump is able to use the death of 49 people as a means to deliver an "I told you so" message without any societal repercussions. His messages, unfortunately, are validated by the millions of people that side with this ignoramus.
It hurts.
To my friends and family: I love you. If these last three years have proven anything, it is that life is more fleeting than ever before. I hope that you or I are not the victims of tragedy, but recent history is telling me that it can happen at any time. Therefore, in case I am unable to tell you before either of us perish, you should know that I love you.
I sincerely believe that I would not have to deliver this somber, morbid message if change happened after 20 children and 6 heroes were slaughtered - among other such mass murders that happen more often than there are NOT mass murders per year - by the same weapons that slaughtered the 49 friends, loved ones, students, brothers, mothers, and sisters in Orlando. In 3 plus years since that deadly attack nothing has changed. Therefore, it should not behoove me to believe that change will happen now, right? There should be change. I should believe that anything, even something, would change. If I lived in Australia I would be able to accept such belief. But recent history tells me that I would be a fool to accept that belief as reality in the "land of the free
Outside of these attacks, the majority of the country has spoken. They do not want change. They want governmental status quo, in the name of Hillary Clinton, or 50 plus years of regression, in the name of Donald Trump. That is what the country wants. This is not even a point of argument. It is the truth. (As an aside: I would gladly take status quo - with the hint of social progress as the first female president of the USA - over live-action "the floor is lava" any day.)
Watching Anderson Cooper read off every individual person who died Sunday morning, along with brief stories about them, was one of the most heart-wrenching segments I have watched in my 25 years of life. Is it not sad that these people are a designated blip on the mass-shootings-in-the-US-this-year map? And if change does not happen, that's all they'll ever be. They will have died for nothing. The LEAST we can do as a country is to ensure that these people died for progress. Died for prevention. Died for safety. Died for something more than another, "Oh, hey look, that thing happened again." I'm perfectly fine with talking about these horrific occurrences, but only if talking about it leads to doing something about it. Only if it leads to action.
Because action speaks louder than any moments of silence, any continuing news coverage, and any somber fucking blog post.
Kudos to all of the first responders, to all the heroes that came out of Sunday morning, and to all of the blood donors and donators that flocked to the attention of the suffering people left in the carnage. You are the silver-lining in all of this. You are Orlando.
I leave you with this John Green video in remembrance of the fallen:
- PatInTheHat
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
When a body is
Like a
Glass prism
It emits the most
Beautiful and
Exuberant colors
As light fights its way through
To create
That can only be shown
Through that body
The rays begin to
Shine through
Touching and then
A nearby observer
Who was previously
By other-worldly
Facades like
Stars and
That are nothing more than
Fire balls of gas that
Wish upon a
Young child
To give them
The Sun
And the abundance
Of clean
That allows us to
Breathe in
And feel warmth
Are the only
And other stellar elements
That tell the truth
Because we feel
Their touch
And consume
Their energy
Every body that we know
Is stellar
But only
That we find
Without a touch
Release quick-fire
Adrenaline rushes
Like the
For the starving koala
That instead fill our
With the energy of passion
The stomach pains of
And despair
- PatInTheHat
Like a
Glass prism
It emits the most
Beautiful and
Exuberant colors
As light fights its way through
To create
That can only be shown
Through that body
The rays begin to
Shine through
Touching and then
A nearby observer
Who was previously
By other-worldly
Facades like
Stars and
That are nothing more than
Fire balls of gas that
Wish upon a
Young child
To give them
The Sun
And the abundance
Of clean
That allows us to
Breathe in
And feel warmth
Are the only
And other stellar elements
That tell the truth
Because we feel
Their touch
And consume
Their energy
Every body that we know
Is stellar
But only
That we find
Without a touch
Release quick-fire
Adrenaline rushes
Like the
For the starving koala
That instead fill our
With the energy of passion
The stomach pains of
And despair
- PatInTheHat
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
The Kracken
- For Lauren. Forever friend and companion. Happy birthday. -
The small cephalopod
Could be heard roaring
From the dark depths
Of an above-ground trench
Without support, the small,
Yet cunning cephalopod
Learned to walk on dry land
To inhabit the outer world
The triumph made the
Conquest of kings and queens
Pale in comparison, since
The cephalopod was alone
Once the brave cephalopod
Marked it's territory on earth
The darkness called out
And the squid went in
You see, a cephalopod
Can breathe in the darkness
Without fear of seemingly
Sure and probable suffocation
So while it may seem
To make sense on the surface
To fear an entrenched, earthly cephalopod
It should, instead, be rejoiced
The roars from the cephalopod
Signify the death of incognito
And selfish monsters that
Believe the darkness is for them
But the cephalopod can see
Through the turgid gluttons
That prey on the misinformed
Behind the red eyes of fear mongering
Because the cephalopod once feared
The dregs of the ocean
And the monsters that lied
On the bottom of those trenches
And the cephalopod conquered
Each and every one
Of the killing breeds
That connived death in the sea
The cephalopod had come
To do the same on dry land
To fix the discontent
And remain there, permanent
So, you see, the cephalopod
Is here for you and me
Here to conquer our dark
In a world of un-jest insanity
- PatInTheHat
The small cephalopod
Could be heard roaring
From the dark depths
Of an above-ground trench
Without support, the small,
Yet cunning cephalopod
Learned to walk on dry land
To inhabit the outer world
The triumph made the
Conquest of kings and queens
Pale in comparison, since
The cephalopod was alone
Once the brave cephalopod
Marked it's territory on earth
The darkness called out
And the squid went in
You see, a cephalopod
Can breathe in the darkness
Without fear of seemingly
Sure and probable suffocation
So while it may seem
To make sense on the surface
To fear an entrenched, earthly cephalopod
It should, instead, be rejoiced
The roars from the cephalopod
Signify the death of incognito
And selfish monsters that
Believe the darkness is for them
But the cephalopod can see
Through the turgid gluttons
That prey on the misinformed
Behind the red eyes of fear mongering
Because the cephalopod once feared
The dregs of the ocean
And the monsters that lied
On the bottom of those trenches
And the cephalopod conquered
Each and every one
Of the killing breeds
That connived death in the sea
The cephalopod had come
To do the same on dry land
To fix the discontent
And remain there, permanent
So, you see, the cephalopod
Is here for you and me
Here to conquer our dark
In a world of un-jest insanity
- PatInTheHat
Monday, May 23, 2016
Surprise Surprise
"McDonald's CEO, Steve Easterbrook, who admitted that his company's decision to improve worker wages and benefits has actually resulted in improved sales, contrary to what many skeptics predicted would hurt the business. "The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding [the tuition assistance program] Archways to Opportunity ... have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customer satisfaction scores," he told Wall Street analysts." - Via ATTN:
I know that I've posted the following Teddy Roosevelt quote--and I know I'll post it again and again so long as it remains true in times like this:
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."
Good to see McDonald's doing what they thought was the wrong thing that turned out to be the right thing for business, since they never would have known either way had they continued to do nothing like so many others.
- PatInTheHat
I know that I've posted the following Teddy Roosevelt quote--and I know I'll post it again and again so long as it remains true in times like this:
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."
Good to see McDonald's doing what they thought was the wrong thing that turned out to be the right thing for business, since they never would have known either way had they continued to do nothing like so many others.
- PatInTheHat
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Meaningless Memories
I remember when you told me to remember the happy times and then walked away.
What happy times?
- PatInTheHat
Friday, May 13, 2016
In fear of a discontented overlord, he sped to work recklessly honking and yelling at those that drove in his way. A minute cannot be wasted.
In a calm, apathetic haze, he calmly drove home to see his wife and kids. Minutes can be wasted.
In a calm, apathetic haze, he calmly drove home to see his wife and kids. Minutes can be wasted.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
First time I met her
With skin so fair
As pale as the moon
With a flower in her hair
Her friends gathered 'round
To celebrate this day
Without a cloud in the sky
The sun on her face
A man began to speak
To the crowd that came by
To give honor to this woman
Who is still as she lies
A leaf began to fall
- PatInTheHat
With skin so fair
As pale as the moon
With a flower in her hair
Her friends gathered 'round
To celebrate this day
Without a cloud in the sky
The sun on her face
A man began to speak
To the crowd that came by
To give honor to this woman
Who is still as she lies
A leaf began to fall
From the tree branch above
As the speaker told everyone
A story of love
She was his daughter
He only had one
With his only wife
A love that never came undone
What he does not know
Is that the girl was in love too
To a man never met over seas
From some site on the tube
I loved her to death
Never to see her die
And now I feel more alone
And left wondering, "Why?"
- PatInTheHat
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Behind podium
Chest out
Tie tight
Belt buckled
Shoes, lace-less
"I'm a man"
He declared
Pointing hand
In the air
Is it? Are you?
Stereotyped himself
No one asked
No one cared
"Men go right.
Women go left.
In between,
Go home.
Leave us alone."
Political fad
Now we care
Why go there?
"They'll rape!
No one else
At fault!
Lay down the law!"
Except you?
Ha, this dude
Did he forget?
Did he regret
His own malcontent?
Months ago
Alleged bathroom assault
Always "alleged"
With these government heads
Is he kidding?
Of course not
Beep bopping agenda
Crowd stopped
Cheering now
Boo birds came out
Speaker's doubt, too.
We don't take kindly
To hypocrisy.
You're no deity.
Consistency is key
To rid ourselves
Of this insanity
Let them be.
Let them pee.
I'm only
Afraid of you
Lying to listeners
Dying to be mislead
And misinformed
- PatInTheHat
Chest out
Tie tight
Belt buckled
Shoes, lace-less
"I'm a man"
He declared
Pointing hand
In the air
Is it? Are you?
Stereotyped himself
No one asked
No one cared
"Men go right.
Women go left.
In between,
Go home.
Leave us alone."
Political fad
Now we care
Why go there?
"They'll rape!
No one else
At fault!
Lay down the law!"
Except you?
Ha, this dude
Did he forget?
Did he regret
His own malcontent?
Months ago
Alleged bathroom assault
Always "alleged"
With these government heads
Is he kidding?
Of course not
Beep bopping agenda
Crowd stopped
Cheering now
Boo birds came out
Speaker's doubt, too.
We don't take kindly
To hypocrisy.
You're no deity.
Consistency is key
To rid ourselves
Of this insanity
Let them be.
Let them pee.
I'm only
Afraid of you
Lying to listeners
Dying to be mislead
And misinformed
- PatInTheHat
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Four Count
Catch one
Catch one, one
Catch one, one
Taught not to be bought
Flung through space
Without warning this
An ephemeral life
Are you OK?
Are you
Did you sleep well?
Did you sleep tight?
Kings and queens cannot conquer congruently
When the world sees
A dick
As a symbol of
Infallibility and strength
While the mind is
A child's play thing
Manipulated by
Corporate gods
Conceding family time to be
Mechanical mercenaries for hire
Killing time and
Making money
Catch one
Catch one, one
Catch one, one
This passage is a
Rope circle-tied
For one
Pair of scissors to cut
The noose wrapped around
Our minds
Let it loose
And then sleep right
- PatInTheHat
Catch one, one
Catch one, one
Taught not to be bought
Flung through space
Without warning this
An ephemeral life
Are you OK?
Are you
Did you sleep well?
Did you sleep tight?
Kings and queens cannot conquer congruently
When the world sees
A dick
As a symbol of
Infallibility and strength
While the mind is
A child's play thing
Manipulated by
Corporate gods
Conceding family time to be
Mechanical mercenaries for hire
Killing time and
Making money
Catch one
Catch one, one
Catch one, one
This passage is a
Rope circle-tied
For one
Pair of scissors to cut
The noose wrapped around
Our minds
Let it loose
And then sleep right
- PatInTheHat
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Break Glass
In case of emergency:
Place bullet in chamber, and fire at will
Find common ground by initiating discourse
In case of emergency:
Spew hatred towards those that are different than you
Accept social differences and ask questions to cure the epidemic of ignorance
In case of emergency:
Follow a religion routed in hate
Follow religious leaders who show love
In case of emergency:
Run away from your derelict country
Tether self to the foundation that made your country great and fight for it
In case of emergency:
Condemn your opposition. They are wrong, of course.
Listen to those that oppose your ideals. Learn from them.
In case of emergency:
Take everything you can
Give everything you can. Receive happiness in return.
In case of emergency:
Pray to God. He will fix this.
Use your voice. Use your hands. Create change.
- PatInTheHat
Find common ground by initiating discourse
In case of emergency:
Accept social differences and ask questions to cure the epidemic of ignorance
In case of emergency:
Follow religious leaders who show love
In case of emergency:
Tether self to the foundation that made your country great and fight for it
In case of emergency:
Listen to those that oppose your ideals. Learn from them.
In case of emergency:
Give everything you can. Receive happiness in return.
In case of emergency:
Use your voice. Use your hands. Create change.
- PatInTheHat
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
She spoke
Broke down
No sound
River flows
No one knows
"You're a hoe!"
Man's word
She's third
Calls friend
And then
Dead end
Friend's sigh
"He lied!"
One Rose
She shows
Nothing goes
College town
Male hounds
She hurts
Even worse
Cheap trick
- PatInTheHat
Broke down
No sound
River flows
No one knows
"You're a hoe!"
Man's word
She's third
Calls friend
And then
Dead end
Friend's sigh
"He lied!"
One Rose
She shows
Nothing goes
College town
Male hounds
She hurts
Even worse
Cheap trick
- PatInTheHat
Friday, April 1, 2016
A necklace clasped around an open throat
Making America great again
A baby crying in a crib not their own
A child vying to become president
We live in a time that is more fragile than the people living in it
Impolite pursuit of an agenda lost on opaque words
Incandescent idolatry illuminating ignorance
Inexplicable support of a killing brand
We fall in a line created by intangible audible tragedies
Making America hate, and then
My country full of heroes metamorphs into a country full of zeros
We look for treasure in a house of goose eggs because we are unaware of what it is like outside
Unfortunately we cannot quarantine the insane
Under disguised rocket silos
Ultimately sending unintelligible bigots into space
We count sheep to help us sleep and sheep count on blathering bile to lead us into dithering extinction
How tidy men awaken unkempt bears.
- PatInTheHat
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Batman v Spiderman (a review...SPOILERS!)
Due to the wide range of opinions on this film--from down right awful to the best thing since sliced bread--I had to see this damn film for myself. I went in with super low expectations thinking that Zach Snyder was the new Tommy Wiseau.
The movie was actually not that bad. I mean, yes, the movie DOES try to do far too much. In the middle of the rising action, where you're supposed to be getting all anxious waiting to see how the movie is going to end, the movie does a couple stupid things:
1. Superman's dad, still played by Kevin Costner, was materialized by Clark Kent's character hiking to the top of a mountain. Costner blithers on about some shit no one in their right mind could ever care about. Someone like two seats to the right of me was snoring--like really, snoring--right around this part. The snoring, for at least this part, was considerably more entertaining than the film.
2. All the sudden we go to what is assumed--at that moment of the film--to be Wonder Woman unhatching all of the "Super"-files. All of this cool stuff is happening, but we just HAVE to go back to introing random supers? It was the weirdest thing.
3. There were at LEAST three 5 to 10 second scenes that were in a row and completely detached from one another. I just remember going..."Uhhh, alright?"
4. This part wasn't exactly a part of the brunt of the rising action--or perhaps the most exciting part of it--but what the hell was with Batman's random dream? First off, I know that Zach was trying to put in more comic bits, and I know what he was TRYING to do, but it was just ridiculous. You can see it for yourself...dreams don't work that way. It was a stretch even for a fictional film.
5. Superman's mom having the same name as Batman's mom. I almost yelled at the movie during the part where Batman is about to kill Superman, "Are you FUCKING kidding me?!" Like, I get it, you're not ACTUALLY going to have Batman kill Superman or vice versa, but Jesus hell. Martha? Martha. Fuck me.
If all of the points mentioned above were cut out or better written at least, I genuinely believe this movie would have been REALLY good. Like, yeah, I get it. The Doomsday v. Superman comic doesn't include all these other heroes and all, but if you try to mentally cut out all the bs and just look at the main story line, the movie was pretty damn good and I was happy that Zach actually killed Superman instead of altering the original story so much that they--the supers--are able to kill Doomsday without Superman dying.
I thought Jessie Eisenburgh was a great Lex. A different kind of Lex, but I thought he really changed the type of acting he normally does to play a very sinister role.
With all the crap I mentioned above, the movie gets a 5/10 from me. If that stuff was cut out, I woulda gave it about an 8. It's a good enough movie to go see and judge for yourself, though. All those memes comparing it to The Room are ridiculous.
Oh, and one more thing, Ben Afleck wasn't a bad Batman. I wouldn't go as far as saying that he was better than Christian Bale--that's a bit of a stretch for me--but he wasn't half bad. He definitely deserves some kudos for playing an older Bruce Wayne that reminded me more of the older Bruce Wayne from the animated series Batman Beyond. He was quiet and brooding. His interaction with new Alfred--Jeremy Irons--came off a bit awkward at times, but the relationship grew on me throughout the film.
All-in-all, the film was definitely worth a friend paying for the ticket for you to go see. Here's looking at you, Ken! Haha X]
- PatInTheHat
The movie was actually not that bad. I mean, yes, the movie DOES try to do far too much. In the middle of the rising action, where you're supposed to be getting all anxious waiting to see how the movie is going to end, the movie does a couple stupid things:
1. Superman's dad, still played by Kevin Costner, was materialized by Clark Kent's character hiking to the top of a mountain. Costner blithers on about some shit no one in their right mind could ever care about. Someone like two seats to the right of me was snoring--like really, snoring--right around this part. The snoring, for at least this part, was considerably more entertaining than the film.
2. All the sudden we go to what is assumed--at that moment of the film--to be Wonder Woman unhatching all of the "Super"-files. All of this cool stuff is happening, but we just HAVE to go back to introing random supers? It was the weirdest thing.
3. There were at LEAST three 5 to 10 second scenes that were in a row and completely detached from one another. I just remember going..."Uhhh, alright?"
4. This part wasn't exactly a part of the brunt of the rising action--or perhaps the most exciting part of it--but what the hell was with Batman's random dream? First off, I know that Zach was trying to put in more comic bits, and I know what he was TRYING to do, but it was just ridiculous. You can see it for yourself...dreams don't work that way. It was a stretch even for a fictional film.
5. Superman's mom having the same name as Batman's mom. I almost yelled at the movie during the part where Batman is about to kill Superman, "Are you FUCKING kidding me?!" Like, I get it, you're not ACTUALLY going to have Batman kill Superman or vice versa, but Jesus hell. Martha? Martha. Fuck me.
If all of the points mentioned above were cut out or better written at least, I genuinely believe this movie would have been REALLY good. Like, yeah, I get it. The Doomsday v. Superman comic doesn't include all these other heroes and all, but if you try to mentally cut out all the bs and just look at the main story line, the movie was pretty damn good and I was happy that Zach actually killed Superman instead of altering the original story so much that they--the supers--are able to kill Doomsday without Superman dying.
I thought Jessie Eisenburgh was a great Lex. A different kind of Lex, but I thought he really changed the type of acting he normally does to play a very sinister role.
With all the crap I mentioned above, the movie gets a 5/10 from me. If that stuff was cut out, I woulda gave it about an 8. It's a good enough movie to go see and judge for yourself, though. All those memes comparing it to The Room are ridiculous.
Oh, and one more thing, Ben Afleck wasn't a bad Batman. I wouldn't go as far as saying that he was better than Christian Bale--that's a bit of a stretch for me--but he wasn't half bad. He definitely deserves some kudos for playing an older Bruce Wayne that reminded me more of the older Bruce Wayne from the animated series Batman Beyond. He was quiet and brooding. His interaction with new Alfred--Jeremy Irons--came off a bit awkward at times, but the relationship grew on me throughout the film.
All-in-all, the film was definitely worth a friend paying for the ticket for you to go see. Here's looking at you, Ken! Haha X]
- PatInTheHat
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Open bottle
Check phone
Phone's off
Open bottle
Check phone
Phone's off
Check phone
Phone's off
Check software
Open bottle
Check phone
Phone's off
Check phone
Phone's off
Check phone
Phone's off
Meeting over
Check phone
Phone's off
Open bottle
Go to the bathroom
Check phone
Phone's off
Return to desk
Check phone
Phone's off
Open bottle
Check phone
Phone's off
Turn off computer
Head home
Check phone
Phone's off
Turn on phone
Message overflow
Battery dies
Phone's dead
Arrive home
Check phone
Brain dead
Phone's off
Open bottle
Check phone
Phone's off
Open bottle
Check phone
Phone's off
Check phone
Phone's off
Check software
Open bottle
Check phone
Phone's off
Check phone
Phone's off
Check phone
Phone's off
Meeting over
Check phone
Phone's off
Open bottle
Go to the bathroom
Check phone
Phone's off
Return to desk
Check phone
Phone's off
Open bottle
Check phone
Phone's off
Turn off computer
Head home
Check phone
Phone's off
Turn on phone
Message overflow
Battery dies
Phone's dead
Arrive home
Check phone
Brain dead
Phone's off
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
And so it goes
Another rose
Lying naked in a field of hearts
Stripped of time
So unkind
Hung by a severed clothes line
Delivered by
Delivery guy
In a bouquet of friends
Caught on fingers
Blood still lingers
Sacrificial gift of love
Until he sneaks
Beneath the sheets
Waiting for pale stems to spread apart
What sacrifice
That looks so nice
Pricks another lover
Hands on thorns
Feel like horns
The mammaries of another
Until his wife
Wields a knife
To ensure Rose is the last "other."
- PatInTheHat
Another rose
Lying naked in a field of hearts
Stripped of time
So unkind
Hung by a severed clothes line
Delivered by
Delivery guy
In a bouquet of friends
Caught on fingers
Blood still lingers
Sacrificial gift of love
Until he sneaks
Beneath the sheets
Waiting for pale stems to spread apart
What sacrifice
That looks so nice
Pricks another lover
Hands on thorns
Feel like horns
The mammaries of another
Until his wife
Wields a knife
To ensure Rose is the last "other."
- PatInTheHat
Friday, February 12, 2016
Somewhere Citrus
I found myself in the middle of somewhere
Somewhere I had never found
Somewhere where we all belong,
But never can quite get to
Somewhere I had never found
Somewhere where we all belong,
But never can quite get to
A space where...
Mind and embodied souls of spaces
Cannot find, cannot mend
Apprehension with thoughts of
Compressed unities transcend
Where we can't quite get to
Or reach
Even taste as we
Into pits
Into pits
Of prescribed self damnation
Still I'll never quit
Lost life, lost love, lost memories
We lose all that we find
The lemons make our lemonade
And then we lose the rind.
- PatInTheHat and Friends
Special thanks (in order of submitted appearance) to: Caitlin Tschanz, Rayn Phillips, and Mike Duff for contributing to this poem!
Still I'll never quit
Lost life, lost love, lost memories
We lose all that we find
The lemons make our lemonade
And then we lose the rind.
- PatInTheHat and Friends
Special thanks (in order of submitted appearance) to: Caitlin Tschanz, Rayn Phillips, and Mike Duff for contributing to this poem!
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Somewhere In Time
Another goes
Cram a moment
Quickly and quietly below
Under colored couch covers go
Inebriated lovers in a dark place
Effervescence into deep slumber beating time's race
- PatInTheHat
Another goes
Cram a moment
Quickly and quietly below
Under colored couch covers go
Inebriated lovers in a dark place
Effervescence into deep slumber beating time's race
- PatInTheHat
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Monday, February 1, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Moonless ocean movements
Amid clear summer skies
Shared by kaleidoscopic rainbows
Holding beauty without a brush
Another dream realized
Variable destinations
A great escape through time
Delicate yet destructive
Illegal one thousand times to kiss
More than a little affection
Only with this connection
Validating a skipped heart beat
Never in fear again
Always complete
Awake benevolence
Vivid images with closed eyes
Return to a garden of butterflies
Ascending high adrenaline
Meant for this moment
Nostalgia of the future
Killing depression
Operating in sync
Amid clear summer skies
Shared by kaleidoscopic rainbows
Holding beauty without a brush
Another dream realized
Variable destinations
A great escape through time
Delicate yet destructive
Illegal one thousand times to kiss
More than a little affection
Only with this connection
Validating a skipped heart beat
Never in fear again
Always complete
Awake benevolence
Vivid images with closed eyes
Return to a garden of butterflies
Ascending high adrenaline
Meant for this moment
Nostalgia of the future
Killing depression
Operating in sync
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
I Wrote You A Letter
I wrote you a letter
It said don't settle
So mettle...or let
I'm in no position
Or condition
To pretend that this relent
Is insincere, unclear, impermanent
I liken this story to Jack and Jill
The hill made them fall to, not for
The safety net for thrill, each other
The risk to fall; the reward: one another
This dance?
Call it romance.
Call it chance.
Dizzying, the spin on four
Encapsulating, the kiss on three
Entrancing, eyes lock on two
Beginning, the dance on one
Caught staring, having fun
7 to 8 to 9, time flew
But slow enough to see
So much more is in come.
This is not an essay
A combination of jumbled words
Misunderstood quips and phrases
Do not let your mind run away
Rather, a written show for one
An exclusive written performance
The non-fiction variety
Real, within the first glance
The faster we run together
The longer we jump, forever
Drag our hearts to the starting line
Carried in unbreakable cages this time.
- PatInTheHat
It said don't settle
So mettle...or let
I'm in no position
Or condition
To pretend that this relent
Is insincere, unclear, impermanent
I liken this story to Jack and Jill
The hill made them fall to, not for
The safety net for thrill, each other
The risk to fall; the reward: one another
This dance?
Call it romance.
Call it chance.
Dizzying, the spin on four
Encapsulating, the kiss on three
Entrancing, eyes lock on two
Beginning, the dance on one
Caught staring, having fun
7 to 8 to 9, time flew
But slow enough to see
So much more is in come.
This is not an essay
A combination of jumbled words
Misunderstood quips and phrases
Do not let your mind run away
Rather, a written show for one
An exclusive written performance
The non-fiction variety
Real, within the first glance
The faster we run together
The longer we jump, forever
Drag our hearts to the starting line
Carried in unbreakable cages this time.
- PatInTheHat
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Ten Cuidado
Ya know, when it comes to a topic such as this, I tend to not get into it. This time around, I feel like something needs to be said...
Bill Cosby is a rapist. There's nothing to argue about as far as this goes. He's even admitted to doing so, and whether he did it to one or one hundred all-in-all he's a fucking slime-ball--on behalf of man-kind, I assure you, we're not all rotten fucks like Bill Cosby. And I'm kind of ashamed to have ever cared about the man's existence in my life. Hindsight is always 20-20, though, right?
I mean, Jesus Christ, fucking Quaaludes? I'm just so disappointed in that sham of a man. There's so much regress that he could have/could be caused/causing for any and all non-whites in this country. So many people looked up to him, and then this? I know I'm making it sound like he just did this...I know he didn't. He was recently found out. I'm sure this isn't news to anyone at this point.
All of that said. All of that disappointment and sincere malice I feel towards that man--and rapists in general--aside:
We need to be careful when talking about this stuff.
Just recently I was watching Larry Wilmore. He's hilarious. A lot different than Colbert, but the show stands on its own. I find that the show is a breath of fresh air from the Keeping it 100 segments down to the ridiculous 70's skits--as well as the different star appearances whom participate each show. For most of last year, if he wasn't talking about Bill Cosby as part of his monologue, then at the very least he was signing off his show with a picture of Cosby going across the screen as he emphatically and hilariously yells, "I didn't forget about you, mother fucker! I didn't forget about you!" I think it's definitely important to make sure we don't forget about people that deceived us for so long--in this case, Cosby.
However, there was one show that Larry decided to talk about Cosby's counter-suing of some of his alleged victims. Larry, as though he knows for a fact that Cosby had anything to do with these women, started going on and on about "How dare he sue his victims! As if humiliating them wasn't enough, now you're playing victim!"
Now look, maybe these women were indeed raped/assaulted/etc by Cosby, but what Larry was eluding to left a bad taste in my mouth. Please, let me explain...
This world...this world is a fucking mess. It was only a few years ago that it became commonplace for people to strap bombs to themselves to blow themselves and anyone around them into smithereens.
People rape other people. Racism exists. Homophobia exists. These are all unfortunate truths, but I think the worst thing that we can do about ANYTHING is making assumptions about people due to their skin color, their ethnicity, their class, their intelligence level, etc. What I mean by that--and Cosby is a MUCH different story since, as I said, he's already admitted to raping--is that we can't allow ourselves to let the boy cry wolf, and believe, automatically, that there's a wolf. Yes, perhaps not the best analogy since we know how that story ends--spoiler alert, there eventually was a wolf--but my point is to say: In a world searching for equality, we can't live in a world where we believe rape IS NOT ok, but be complacent with people making false allegations. The reason I bring up equality is because our patriarchal society, and the years and years and years of male on female documented rape, makes it seem like that all men in general can, at any point, be complete and utter scum of the Earth by forcing a women into sexual endeavors.
But the truth is that women rape men and men rape women. Men also lie about women raping them for whatever fucked up reason, and women also lie about men raping them for whatever fucked up reason. Especially after years and years go by, I know how hard it is for evidence to be maintained in order to prosecute someone accordingly, and, although I've never personally been raped, I know how hard it is to talk to someone ABOUT being raped.--OK, let me adjust that, I indirectly understand how hard it is, and I'm sure it's even harder than that in actuality. However, we still need to maintain due process. Again, the Cosby situation is A LOT different. But I've seen countless stories about men being accused of rape, going to trial, being acquitted of all charges, but then people saying that he's definitely a rapist anyway! Accusing someone of rape is almost literally a death sentence for that person. The WEIGHT of that accusation is grand. In this day and age that accusation might even be worse than murder if the accusation is proven incorrect/a lie.
Ultimately, although our justice system does not currently work this way, I would hope that a proven liar is sentenced to jail for the same amount of time the alleged suspect was going to get for said rape. That's how justice should work. If not enough evidence is found in coordination with the alleged act, then that's one thing. If there is a proven lie for such an accusation, then I hope it rains on the accuser just as hard as it would an actual rapist. Those people are of equal colored slime.
- PatInTheHat
Bill Cosby is a rapist. There's nothing to argue about as far as this goes. He's even admitted to doing so, and whether he did it to one or one hundred all-in-all he's a fucking slime-ball--on behalf of man-kind, I assure you, we're not all rotten fucks like Bill Cosby. And I'm kind of ashamed to have ever cared about the man's existence in my life. Hindsight is always 20-20, though, right?
I mean, Jesus Christ, fucking Quaaludes? I'm just so disappointed in that sham of a man. There's so much regress that he could have/could be caused/causing for any and all non-whites in this country. So many people looked up to him, and then this? I know I'm making it sound like he just did this...I know he didn't. He was recently found out. I'm sure this isn't news to anyone at this point.
All of that said. All of that disappointment and sincere malice I feel towards that man--and rapists in general--aside:
We need to be careful when talking about this stuff.
Just recently I was watching Larry Wilmore. He's hilarious. A lot different than Colbert, but the show stands on its own. I find that the show is a breath of fresh air from the Keeping it 100 segments down to the ridiculous 70's skits--as well as the different star appearances whom participate each show. For most of last year, if he wasn't talking about Bill Cosby as part of his monologue, then at the very least he was signing off his show with a picture of Cosby going across the screen as he emphatically and hilariously yells, "I didn't forget about you, mother fucker! I didn't forget about you!" I think it's definitely important to make sure we don't forget about people that deceived us for so long--in this case, Cosby.
However, there was one show that Larry decided to talk about Cosby's counter-suing of some of his alleged victims. Larry, as though he knows for a fact that Cosby had anything to do with these women, started going on and on about "How dare he sue his victims! As if humiliating them wasn't enough, now you're playing victim!"
Now look, maybe these women were indeed raped/assaulted/etc by Cosby, but what Larry was eluding to left a bad taste in my mouth. Please, let me explain...
This world...this world is a fucking mess. It was only a few years ago that it became commonplace for people to strap bombs to themselves to blow themselves and anyone around them into smithereens.
People rape other people. Racism exists. Homophobia exists. These are all unfortunate truths, but I think the worst thing that we can do about ANYTHING is making assumptions about people due to their skin color, their ethnicity, their class, their intelligence level, etc. What I mean by that--and Cosby is a MUCH different story since, as I said, he's already admitted to raping--is that we can't allow ourselves to let the boy cry wolf, and believe, automatically, that there's a wolf. Yes, perhaps not the best analogy since we know how that story ends--spoiler alert, there eventually was a wolf--but my point is to say: In a world searching for equality, we can't live in a world where we believe rape IS NOT ok, but be complacent with people making false allegations. The reason I bring up equality is because our patriarchal society, and the years and years and years of male on female documented rape, makes it seem like that all men in general can, at any point, be complete and utter scum of the Earth by forcing a women into sexual endeavors.
But the truth is that women rape men and men rape women. Men also lie about women raping them for whatever fucked up reason, and women also lie about men raping them for whatever fucked up reason. Especially after years and years go by, I know how hard it is for evidence to be maintained in order to prosecute someone accordingly, and, although I've never personally been raped, I know how hard it is to talk to someone ABOUT being raped.--OK, let me adjust that, I indirectly understand how hard it is, and I'm sure it's even harder than that in actuality. However, we still need to maintain due process. Again, the Cosby situation is A LOT different. But I've seen countless stories about men being accused of rape, going to trial, being acquitted of all charges, but then people saying that he's definitely a rapist anyway! Accusing someone of rape is almost literally a death sentence for that person. The WEIGHT of that accusation is grand. In this day and age that accusation might even be worse than murder if the accusation is proven incorrect/a lie.
Ultimately, although our justice system does not currently work this way, I would hope that a proven liar is sentenced to jail for the same amount of time the alleged suspect was going to get for said rape. That's how justice should work. If not enough evidence is found in coordination with the alleged act, then that's one thing. If there is a proven lie for such an accusation, then I hope it rains on the accuser just as hard as it would an actual rapist. Those people are of equal colored slime.
- PatInTheHat
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Not a peep.
No media talking about "terroristic event."
No police gang-raiding these people.
Yeah, but don't let those Refugees in. I'm sure they're just DYING to take over a Federal building. On the contrary: They're JUST dying.
When is this country going to actually feel right again? Does anyone else feel like they're surrounded by muck? The current issue is happening in Oregon, yet I feel like it's happening outside of my front door.
Protest with signs...THAT is a protest.
Protest with guns--no matter the color of your skin--THAT is terrorism.
Jesus hell, this country sometimes.
- PatInTheHat
Not a peep.
No media talking about "terroristic event."
No police gang-raiding these people.
Yeah, but don't let those Refugees in. I'm sure they're just DYING to take over a Federal building. On the contrary: They're JUST dying.
When is this country going to actually feel right again? Does anyone else feel like they're surrounded by muck? The current issue is happening in Oregon, yet I feel like it's happening outside of my front door.
Protest with signs...THAT is a protest.
Protest with guns--no matter the color of your skin--THAT is terrorism.
Jesus hell, this country sometimes.
- PatInTheHat
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