Friday, June 24, 2016

Wake Up Call

Dear Everyone I Know,

        I'm going to make this short, sweet, and to the point.  

If you do not know by now, then it's time that you are informed that the UK has voted to leave the EU. Without knowing a lot about the global economy, I'm sure your first thought is, "I don't get it, why do I care?" Well, one of the main reasons you should care is that the same fear-mongering that has worked here with Trump, actually WORKED in the EU. People who were terrified of immigration decided to secede from the European Union in an attempt to remain safe. This quasi-rational attempt is going to have a lot of negative economic implications across the board. Similarly, if we (the US) are content to assume, because of the polling process, that Hillary is going to beat Trump without actually going out to vote, then the same exact thing will happen in this country. We will accidentally give the election to Donald Trump, and then we will have to suffer the consequences of electing a man who fear-mongers and separates us as people even further. We MUST stay as united as possible. It's the only way we can defeat the idea of hate in a society so bent on imploding.

This also means that we can't allow a 3rd party candidate to steal votes from Hillary. If we do that, we give Trump a better chance of succeeding (sorry Gary Johnson fans, but that's just the truth). I hope all of you will heed this warning, as it is imperative we come together and make sure that more negative history is not a part of our future.

As bad as the EU referendum is, just think of how ridiculous things will get globally with a Trump presidency.



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