Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Dark Side

Welp, you did it.

That's right, you. The ones who watched a trailer about aliens in space and created a see-through facade of racial bias.

Quick question: Do you wake up in the morning and inherently hate yourself? Do you hate yourself so much that you think you need to outwardly hate others for no reason with the idea that you can expel your inward hatred this way? Are you dumb? Are you ignorant?

You don't have to answer these questions--I already know the answer.

Do you like Jedis? I don't think you like Jedis. There is basically no way you like Jedis or understand anything about Star Wars if you're bashing a person of a certain race for playing a main character. Do you watch Star Wars to be A PART of the Dark Side? Do you think the Dark Side is the good guys? Do you think they're the ones that prevail? Well, newsflash, they never win. They can't win. They won't win. And neither will you. The common good always defeats the common degraders. If you watched any of the previous Star Wars movies, you would know this. 

Do you ever ask yourself why? Why you're full of shit? Why you're so dependent on spewing vile venom that is ignorant racism to get off?

Do you ever ask yourself what your purpose is? Have you wondered why you were brought up with the love of your family only to throw all of that away to hate? Do you think the Bible wants you to hate? Do you REALLY think the Bible wants you to hate? The Torah? The Quran?

My guess is you're a "religious person." My guess is you're lost in the malicious discontent of the Old Testament, where your "Father" enjoys the tidings of complete and total genocide. Is this where your hate comes from? Should we all just get wiped out and leave you here to rule a world of 1? A human race that cannot be started with one, but at least two and preferably many?

Do you know what humility is? Is "narcissism" and/or "narcissistic" words you have heard of? It's routed in the agenda of the self. Caring about "number 1" way more and way more often than anyone else around you.

Does this racism make you feel in control? Do you feel like in order to make yourself feel better, you ,and people of the same color of your skin, need to believe you are far superior than anyone who has different skin color? Does that actually make sense to you? Is that ridicule for simply being born in a specific region or by ancestors born in a specific region the route of love? If your answer is yes: Are you serious? Did you think about that long enough? I already know the answer to that, too.

Maybe we should banish you. What do you think? How about we all do our very best to banish you for no reason. Well, actually, there is a reason: You're a racist asshole who has no place in this world, let alone this country.

The 1960's are far away. They feel far away because I can only comprehend 3 years after I was born (the early 90's) and after. The 1960's are far away, but days like today the 1960's feel very close. Bigotry, ignorance, and a certain clout from a group of people who should have little to no authority over anything.

Boycotting a movie for having a lead character with skin color other than your own.


In order to break the cycle of hatred, I will say this: I don't hate you--I feel sorry for you.

You're a rodent. A vermin. A leech. I hope you get fixed. In more ways than one.

Sometimes the best way to pacify a crying child is by ignoring it. I think it's time you receive the same treatment from now until the rest of eternity.

Here's to hoping.

- PatInTheHat

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