I do not have a lot to say about the State of the Union other than to say that I thought Barack Obama did a great job.
I have neither agreed with his foreign policy, nor his corporate dealings, but I believe him when he says that he has tried to make this country a better place since being elected into the White House. Other than Fox news, that news-source that's not really a news-source, I think it's hard to say that POTUS Barack Obama was unsuccessful as President. Yeah, he still has 2 years left, and he could tank out of nowhere, but I do not believe he will. He's been too good; he's been too consistent in the right direction for this country.
The only cringe-worthy part to the SOTU was when President Obama briefly mentioned his dealings with drones. I think that was the one part of his speech that we could all collectively call bullshit on. He mentioned that he is still using drones in the best interest of the people or some mumbo jumbo, and I don't believe that for a second. After all of this ISIS/ISIL stuff going on, I didn't care about the problems he created with the drones anymore--but there were plenty. Yes, he needs to stop killing hundreds of thousands of innocents. But if we need drones to help figure out what little sneaks like ISIS are doing, then I'm all for it.
Obviously, the best part about the speech--aside from Obama's hysterical one-liner directed at the GOP after they applauded him after explaining that he has no more campaigns ahead of him--was the soap opera happening behind President Obama between Vice President Biden and that Boener guy. Every time Obama used the line "It's the right thing to do," 9 times out of 10 Boener sat still while everyone else--minus some other members of the GOP--gave applause. One article writer after one specific "It's the right thing to do," moment said, "The GOP don't even pretend to care about people." After subjects on gender equality, equal pay among genders, climate change etc, the GOP, along with Boener, generally didn't applaud. Most of the democratic party likely wouldn't have known most of the GOP was there if they didn't sit in their reserved seats.
Subsequent to SOTU, the Republicans used Joni Ernst to voice their rebuttal. Needless to say, she was terrible. She denied that the Affordable Healthcare act was working, and continued to deny that climate change is a problem. Good job, republicans. Keep up the terrible work. At this rate, you will see, in the first time in American history, a Democrat following a Democrat in presidency. And, honestly, that's fine by me.
- PatInThePatrioticHat
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