Me: (As Greg strolls by with the mail cart) *sarcastically salutes* How are you today, sir?
Greg: Ehhh, I'm only here so I don't get fired.
Me: Ha! Just you?
Sometimes work is a pretty swell place to be.
Of course, a brief nothing as innocent as this got me thinking...
Hating the job we currently have is a tale as old as time. Some people really and genuinely like the job they have. Maybe they are Veterinarians, who really like animals. Maybe they are builders who have a real sense of accomplishment after they help build a house for a family or a skyscraper for a city/business(es). Unfortunately, due to professional protocol, it's REALLY hard to change careers. Especially in this day and age, it's near impossible to change careers without going back to school and forking over a(nother) life's worth of money first.
So what do we do?
Well, I don't know. And I know you don't know either, or at least I'm sure MOST of you (you equaling the general population) do not. What I do know is that we are a species (or at least a country) full of complainers. People use the #FirstWorldProblems hashtag like it's their job. Yes, I DO see that they are making fun of themselves for silly grievances, but they're complaining nonetheless even if it is passive. Getting back on track, my point is this: We're always analyzing ourselves and others on what makes each other happy, ultimately. I know that we are in control of our own path, but I think it's pretty clear that our society and our culture aid in our emotional confusion.
My mind says I should do this; my friend says I should do this; my mom says I should do this; my current job says I do this, and then *brain explodes*
With all of that said, we will always have to work. Unless we hit a 100 million dollar lottery, it's an unfortunate truth. Therefore, I'm looking for some of your ideas if you care to share them! If you're unhappy with your job now or have been unhappy with a job before, what was your best course of action? Did it aid in your overall happiness or decrease it? Moreover, do you believe your job has a big impact on your happiness? Why or why not?
Personally, I think it plays a big role. I also think there are certain things regarding jobs that make people happy. For instance: in Europe employees are generally given 2 months off throughout the year. Some companies do a better job with team morale practices, whereas others just suck. I generally believe that more time with family is what really makes people happy. Family can be defined however you want it to be: Parents, friends, significant others, children, etc.
Whatcha think?
- PatInTheHat
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