Do you exercise?
At the very least, do you participate in activities that promote cardiovascular health i.e. running, swimming, biking, etc?
It's OK if you don't, and I'm certainly not going to tell you to; however, I will highly recommend it! And don't worry, this post has nothing to do with trying to make you physically healthier.
For me, I started running when I was about 10/11 years old. It wasn't until after college that I really started running less. I got things back into gear when I trained for and competed in the Broad Street Run last May, and now I find myself training for the same race for this coming May.
Last night was my first real run in months, and, holy hell, did it feel amazing. No, not physically, but mentally.
If there was any reason I'd recommend running--or any other cardio activity for that matter--to anyone it would be because of the positive mental impact.
I always knew endorphins run rampant while running--making us feel happier in the moment--but more than that: If you have any pent up aggression, aggression that, off the top of your head you don't think you have, try going for a run.
Last night I started a two-mile run to get back into the swing of things, and out of nowhere I started feeling super pissed about something that happened earlier this year. I didn't even think I cared anymore until running brought it back out of me. It was probably one of the best, most useful two miles I've ever ran. Once the run was over, I cooled off, got some water, and felt amazing.
If you're generally a happy person (even if you're not, release those endorphins!) who doesn't exercise too much, but lately you've felt in a bit of a rut, try a cardio activity! Biking or running would probably work best since they'll help you release aggressive thoughts without having to fear drowning...lulz.
- PatInTheHat
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