Friday, March 20, 2015

I Don't F*cking Know

There's something strange about vocal vulgarity.

In any given unappealing scenario, curses roll off the tongue without barely any effort. When we were kids, our parents really tried to prevent us from being so vulgar. In the end, those futile attempts to keep us from the crack-addiction of modern expression practically did the opposite.

Once you get that first taste of delicious vulgarity, you're immediately thankful it's not something that makes us put on weight.

I won't speak for you, but I, for one, welcome the vivacious unscrupulousness of vulgarity. No, not to belittle someone, hurt someone, name call, etc. I, instead, welcome it for other reasons.

For example, sometimes it snows on the first fucking day of Spring. Other times, you're up to your God damn, piece-of-shit neck in student loans with no fucking way to get out for the next 10-20-lifetime amount of years.

Some occasions--and what I like using vulgarity for the most--thinking outside of the box is helped by vulgarity. Now, ok, you're going to say, "But, Pat, that has nothing to do with cursing." You're right, technically it doesn't. Technically it has do with the way our minds are activated when we're angry or ticked off. I find that I do some of my best thinking when I'm livid. Words, ideas, and other phrases pop into my head that don't generally come to mind on the regular.

Thus bringing me to my point: Working in any workplace is hard. How am I supposed to get my creative juices flowing if I can't scream a couple shit-fucks from now and then, huh?

*Fucking Sigh*

- PatInTheHat

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