Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Beginning of...

    So, I decided to start a blog. Yippy.

    When I was younger, I had this thing called a Xanga, where emo(in this context meaning depressingly sad) little girls and boys like myself decided to be annoyingly, and over emotionally, expressive.  I was one of those annoying, attention seeking children. It was a dark time.

    This blog will not resemble that lifestyle in the least. It will instead focus on two things:

1. Events in my life that have impacted me positively or negatively. This will be the part of the blog, likely on an every-other-post basis, where readers, if there are any *shrugs,* will learn about me and how/why I tick/tick the way I do. Lucky you, right? This past year has been an emotional roller coaster of sorts in my life. I've practically shunned most of my friends for the better part of the year while swerving in and out of dates. So, maybe, at the very least, I can enlighten the reading public on why my sanity turned seemingly to insanity and why it has been a bit of struggle to recapture that sanity in one form or another.

2. This part of the blog will likely be more fun for readers--this will be the ranting portion. For those that know me, EYE am highly opinionated--and that might be the understatement of the century. However, my opinions are STRICTLY based on facts that I read and learn about. Sometimes, and I have firmly admitted this on multiple occasions, facts that I thought were right were wrong. In this vast informational world we live in, facts can be skewed. Figuring out what is right and what is wrong is part of the struggle. We all take part in that struggle. With that said, I am very open minded. I'm like a scientist in that I siphon out "facts" that I feel like are worth mentioning. If those "facts" are proven wrong, I admit my faults, and continue on.  I LOVE learning. I have this inner passion to constantly obtain KNOWLEDGE. So, if any of my rants lack the correct facts, I'd very much appreciate people keeping me honest. Just try not to berate my potential ignorance =). This section won't always be about really important things. Sometimes they'll probably be a little silly--a curiosity blog of sorts. And other times I'll get a little serious and rattle some minds (maybe). Also, bonus points if you acknowledged the hidden message of this paragraph.

This blog's setting will be open to the public, but I will only post a hyperlink to this blog through social media once per week. I'll likely write something every day, though, or at least as close to every day as possible as I see fit. So, happy readings! And thanks for flying PatInTheHat Express!


  1. I (eye) strictly love knowledge? Did I get it? Huh? Huh?! Or are you being annoyingly rhetorical? ��

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
