Friday, November 21, 2014

Immigrants Are People, Too

     Like every time someone named "Mr. President" makes a decision--you'll notice Obama and Bush's speech on immigration is quite similar(link below)--I'm pretty flabbergasted by the reaction of the American people against the immigration policy that Obama is trying to pass. I know it might be tough for some of you to agree with, so I figured I'll go over some of the "problems" the American people are saying the policy causes, and then I'll explain why those people are absolutely out of their mind.

     Those that make this argument: I love you. From the bat, you're already providing enough evidence to prove your incompetence; therefore, arguing with you is useless, because you're probably useless. See, the thing about this far-spread idea is that it doesn't hold anyone else accountable. For one, the immigrant taking your job is probably better than you at it. Ya know why? Because the immigrant doesn't like to take what this country offers for granted and works really hard. You, Mr. White-Privileged-Individual, probably thought to yourself: "Oh, no tan-skinned spick(I'm using this word for effect) would ever take my job!" So you'd slack off--enough so that your boss notices, then fires you. In this scenario, does the immigrant in question take your job or do you lose it?
     For those that make the argument that immigrants are cheaper labor, I'm sick of that one, too. The main reason businesses take these guys in is because of their EFFICIENCY and WORK ETHIC. Being able to hire them for less is just a bonus for those businesses--trust me, those smart business owners crunch the numbers and realize what's most effective. Tangent: I'm not saying this is, in any way, a fair practice, but more often than not these immigrants are willing to work for anything, because anything they had before was worse. This is a BUSINESS decision made by people of all shapes, colors, and sizes. What do I mean by that? Say you work at a bank, we'll call it Bank, for $13/hour as a teller. Those at Bank think you're a fantastic hard worker, but you're kinda getting sick of your managers--it's time to move on. Another bank, we'll call them Fargo, has someone working as a teller for $17/hour, but Fargo is getting sick of how that worker is doing their job. One day, you apply to Fargo for a new teller position. Since they don't know you all that well, they offer you the job for $15/hour. For you, that's a $2/hr raise, and for Fargo that's a $2/hr decrease in wage expenses each month/quarter. You quit the Bank job and take the offer from Fargo. Fargo consequently fires the crappy teller. See how this works? That's what's happening with those terrible, nasty immigrants.

2. I can't BELIEVE so many immigrants will be allowed to live here ILLEGALLY!
    Those that make this argument: I hate you. You are more incompetent than the previous group, in that you must have never taken a history course in your life or just chose not to pay attention, that you literally make this country's IQ lower--I'm talking about the US of A, of course. Stephen Colbert sarcastically said it best with his segment on immigration: "My father didn't come here from Ireland to see this country run by immigrants!" (I may not have quoted that perfectly, but it's a close-enough paraphrase.) Are you a Native American? If yes, you have every reason to be angry with every party around you. We took YOUR land. YOU should have been treated better. On behalf of the empathetic American people still left: We're sorry. If no and you've said something like #2, then you're an idiot. ALL of your ancestors came from across the seas. You think they all came LEGALLY!? Are you of Irish decent? You think everyone from the Potato Famine that floated across the Atlantic to be in the US was WELCOMED LEGALLY?! The answer is no. And I'm really sorry that you don't know the facts on this one, you're just wrong. Go read a history book. Hell, even talking to someone fluent in your family tree might suffice. In the words of many teenage girls around the country: SorryI'mNotSorry.
    For those that know the aforementioned facts and still feel this way, what are you afraid of? If it's an increase in violence or burglaries, etc., then that is yet to be determined. There were tons of people doing that before there were ANY of these "immigrant issues." Stop kidding yourselves: We live in a violent world, and it sucks. How to quell that part of our world? My best guess: Love.

There have been other things said like "overpopulation" and thoughts of that nature, but I won't comment on that other than to say there's plenty of room here. Overpopulation is more of a global problem altogether, but there are states in the mid-west with miles of open/un-owned land. Plus, it's not that we don't have systems in place for allowing immigrants into our country, it's just that the system is flawed. There are people of MANY nationalities that are still waiting on Green cards and visas that were applied for YEARS ago. It's just that our bureaucratic government is so slow at making decisions that these people never get here. Oh, but if, ya know, some not-so-wealthy athlete comes over here from Mexico to make millions with a ball club our government is automatically right on it and makes sure that they AND their family find residency in America. In other words, if you're going to be rich and make others rich, you're fine. But if you're coming here to find opportunities without the guarantee that you'll be rich, THEN GET THE HELL OUT! If that's the case, I guess I shouldn't be here either since my wealth isn't guaranteed. Eff that, I'm staying--I'm a real badass, after all. Yeah, that obviously makes sense.
No wonder Obama is allowing this. Even the immigrants-to-be think the current US system is so flawed that they're just like, "I guess I'll just sneak in, then." Obama's address told us a couple things: 1. He wants children to be raised by their parents even if they're immigrants(legal or not) and 2. Our border patrol sucks and it needs to be better. He said we need more border patrol, but will give those immigrants who got in illegally a free pass. In other words: you found our weakness, so you get a gold star for helping us see that problem( a brief word on why it can be one in a moment). On top of that: We're going to fix the problem.

     But, Pat. Now it sounds like you're straddling the fence. First, you say it's not a problem. Now, you're implying there is one!?! MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
     The only reason this immigrant situation is a problem is because of ISIS. If ISIS gets in through weak border patrol, we could be fucked. THAT, ladies and gentleman, is a REAL problem. Less people seem to be concerned about that, though. We just like talking about remedial issues that nag us. Those people bore me. /rant


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