Monday, August 28, 2017

Coming Soon!

Ever since I was 16/17 years old, I had the idea of creating a YouTube channel. Even 8 or 9 years ago, people were already figuring out cool and creative ways to either express themselves or express their art. Although I'm not 100% sure exactly what I'm going to do yet, I'm definitely going to make it happen!

YouTube has changed a lot in the last 8/9 years, so I'm definitely not using the platform for the sake of monetary gain, but rather a means of communication. I have been doing the "blog thing" for around 3 years now, and as much as I like to write, I enjoy even more to engage other people and other perspectives--something I don't feel like is as easy to do on this platform. Having only a brief outline of ideas, my channel will likely have multiple components. In other words, the channel will not just be a "gaming" channel or a "talking head" channel, but a smorgasbord. And despite how ruthless the comment section of YT vids can be, I think it's important for me to enter an open community that dialogues. I like listening to new ideas and new perspectives, and even though YouTube can be brutal in that regard, I think it can be equally as useful.

If any of you out there are interested in the idea of this channel being created, I'm definitely up for suggestions! The timeline for the beginning of this channel's creation is currently unknown, so "soon" is as good as I'm going to be able to do right now, but I'm definitely looking to start before the end of the 2017 calendar year. Most YouTubers have a swath of videos on their channel, so I might create a cache of videos before I even publish anything to the channel so that way when I'm ready you'll know it, because you might see 4 or 5 other videos on my channel that you can watch right away. I'm also not sure what my YouTube handle will be yet. I could stick with "PatInTheHat," but I'm not set on it.

To those that are interested, I sincerely hope I don't disappoint! I'll do my best. And to those that might just stumble on it...well... I'm sorry. You're stuck with me forever. =)

- PatInTheHat

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