In a miraculous turn of events, politics--albeit in one instance in particular--is starting to make some semblance of sense. For years politicians of all kinds would spew the most profoundly intoxicating bullshit that our country's zombie population would actually follow. Yes, I realize I'm making it sound like that's not still happening--and it is *cough* Donald Trump *cough*--but unlike in previous presidential elections, someone from the dregs of the political world--an independent--has risen from the proverbial ashes like a majestic Griffin breaking from the shackles of The-one-who-shall-not-be-named's cruel wizardly control.
In comes 74-years-young leftist Independent Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, who has started taking the country by storm. Here's a guy who, back in the 60's, was way ahead of his time. He was fighting alongside the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to promote desegregation in an effort to quell and potentially fully eradicate racism countrywide. Fifty years later, and the guy is the same guy--meaning it's pretty clear he's fighting for progression and not just some leftist agenda--trying to make sure all of that stuff he fought for years and years ago actually happens. And, get this, he fights for marriage equality, a warless world, tuition free public colleges, women's rights, and all other minority and middle class endeavors for the sole purpose of making this great country greater. He comes in with the passion of a twenty-something who has been looking around and wondering, "Where are all the things we were promised when we were kids?" Except, get this, he's in his 70s! He literally doesn't have anything to worry about. This guy--putting his age in perspective for just a hot second--is two years away from that average male life expectancy of 76, and he's going for this presidential race like Professor Farnsworth from "Futurama" with the attitude that "I don't want to live on this planet anymore," UNLESS I do something about it first. I mean, holy hell! No one has even brought this point up in the media! Even his supporters don't realize the amount of physical exertion it takes to fly all over the place, give speeches, shake hands, take questions, etc. at 20 years old let alone 74. Yet he's doing it without a single, solitary complaint.
Forgive me if it sounds like I'm gushing a bit, but think about this: The guy is basically trying to eliminate all that is bullshit. Yes, you can disagree with him about abortion, and other similar issues, but the guy is trying to get across the message that we should do to others what we would want them to do to us. It's a religious teaching, but it's what I believe to be a fundamental, compassionate, and empathetic moral guide that most of us either take for granted or forget about entirely.
People: That's not an agenda. That's being a human being.
Aside from that, he also understands that this country is inching closer and closer--if it's not already--to an oligarchy, which is the idea that a government is really owned or influenced by the wealthiest in the country, as opposed to a Democracy--that thing we all want to keep, I'd hope--where we all have equal say and vote, etc. on important issues.
I'll admit, it's hard to put a lot of hype into a presidential candidate a year away from elections, but I don't think this guy should be taken lightly. He's not a joke. Forget politician. As a person, he's the real deal. He's the kind of leader this country actually needs. A compassionate, logical, and mostly agenda-less human being. I love hearing the conflict in his voice when he talks about certain things that he supports but is on the fence on. That's...I mean, comon, that's as human as it gets.
I'm sick of hearing politicians sound like robots. We. *Beep* must control *Beep Beep* the popular vote *Beep*. Just stop.
This morning--Monday September 14th, 2015--Bernie Sanders walked into one of the most highly religious and conservative colleges in the country, aside from maybe Catholic U., and had a phenomenal speech about trying to find common ground among all people. We're the United States of America, but sometimes it feels like we're the DemoRepublic States of America. It sometimes feels like we're in a benign Civil War against ourselves, and the only time we rally together and go "America!" is when we defeat terrorism or something of the sort. Bravo to Senator Sanders for having the gall to waltz into a war zone, yet come out smelling like daisies. He received applause on a lot of different instances, some of which were issues he didn't expect to hear any applause on such as abortion and women's rights.
I'm just sincerely proud of the guy. I'm proud to know that there are still human beings out there in the world. Moreover, I'm proud that there are human beings in the world who have the courage to run for president. I'm not a fan of The Walking Dead--please don't hate me--and I don't think anything like a zombie apocalypse will ever happen--I'm making that whole "don't hate me" thing hard, aren't I?--but I'll admit that there have been moments in the last couple years where I thought we were already in one! There were few humans left, I swear! Hell, that could still be the case, but I'm really happy to know that Bernie Sanders is not a brain-begging cold body trying to ruin everything.
Please, for the love of all that is good, start paying attention to this guy! Yes, he may be doing well in the polls right now, but I have a feeling he will really need our help in the primaries and (hopefully) the national elections in a year in order to secure a spot as the leader of our country. For me, there really isn't a lot about him that is negative. I mean, yeah, I'm a little afraid of his take on Israel. I'm a little afraid of his take on pulling a large majority of troops out of the middle East (right now) with ISIS running around. But there are so many domestic common sensical ideas that he has brought forth that I don't think we can afford to ignore.
If you guys want to see this country progress--really progress--then please give Bernie your support.
If you're a brainless zombie who wants the world to end, then by all means, vote for Donald Trump. I'll have my shotguns and chainsaws ready to go for just the occasion.
Oh, and if you're on the fence about everything I mentioned, then Hillary is a good second option. *Tips cap*
- PatInTheHat
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