Monday, July 13, 2015

...of a Quest (An Abundance of Katherines)


It is time for me to start a quest. This quest will involve/need the support of many many many people, but as difficult as the proposition seems at its current state, I refuse to believe that the prospects are impossible.

I am a fan of John Green's. I'm sure I mentioned him in previous blogs, but in case you forget, or for some reason have not discovered him yet, he is an author, vlogger, Nerdfighter, etc. He has written (in their entirety) 4 books. His books are: An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska, and The Fault In Our Stars--there are others he has co-authored as well. You may have heard of at least one of those titles as TFIOS is a movie that came out a couple years ago, and Paper Towns is a movie that is coming out this July. Looking for Alaska has just been given the green-light to be turned into a film as well, leaving the only book John Green has written that is not (and may never be) a film to this point at An Abundance of Katherines.

As you can probably infer from the previous paragraph, my quest is to ensure that An Abundance of Katherines becomes a full-length featured film.

Where this is all coming from:

John Green was recently asked in a Q&A about AAOK on whether it will become a film. Without ruining the story for those that might want to read the story after reading this post, his main issue with the story is that it's not written in 1st person. The entirety of the book is written in a third person narrative. Now, John Green, for me, is a great writer, and I consider him a pretty brilliant individual, especially as it comes to this book AAOK. That said, I find it strange that he would so easily write off the story simply because it's in third person. Like, as if there are no ways around that. As if you can't create the film in first person in the eyes of the main character. Hollywood tends to have the ability, and writers, to do pretty awesome stuff. That's all I'll say about this for now.

For those who have not read this book, please read it! I'll preface by saying that John Green is basically a young-adult romance writer. For the life of me, I've never been into the romantic genre at all, but John Green has done well to stitch a series of pages together that don't make you feel like any of it is too much/over-the-top. In fact, in each of his books (I have yet to read Looking for Alaska, but it's on my to-do list. So aside from that...) there are other parts of the plot-line that make the characters considerably more intriguing than just the potential for a love-affair. In particular, I think AAOK does the best at this (though I'll admit TFIOS is a close second), because the main character is...Well, OK, I won't give away what's special about the main character, but I feel like the uniqueness of the main character is reason enough to create a story around him. The thought process behind the creation of this book in particular had to be most arduous, as there are references to complexities that make the way he wrote the book particularly difficult.

In this particular regard, I feel that people need to see the genius of John Green more than just, "He's the guy that wrote TFIOS and does a silly Vlog with his brother." I mean, hey, you could think he's brilliant for those things, too, and I think he is! But AAOK is in a different realm than the majority of other works out there in my humble opinion.

So, PLEASE HELP! Spread the word like wild-fire! Share this! Get other people to read the book especially if you found the book intriguing ultimately!

This is the first step of many. I plan to eventually create a FB page to figure out the total interest level. If that goes well, I'll move on to creating a vlog of my own dedicated to making mentions of the book (maybe even fielding questions from other interested parties) and I'll hope to get the attention of Mr. Green in the process. It's a tall order for someone as ridiculously busy as he is, but I feel like if there's a Will, then there's a PatInTheHat ;)

- PatInTheHat

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