Friday, May 1, 2015

To Write, To Wrong

I saw a story circulating around the other day about businesses disliking the use of Times New Roman as a typeface for resumes. This was a real story. This real story, because of how absurd it was, was posted by The Onion. Wanna know why it was posted by The Onion? Because it's a joke.

Times New Roman is now being regarded as "Not creative enough for the resume process."

Does anyone else have that initial thought in their head of, "Fuck people," when they read this? 'Cause that's an acceptable reaction!

We're currently in an economy where jobs are slim pickins as it is.

As someone who received their Masters in December, I only JUST received a full-time position. Even after 2 years of corporate experience, it took me a while to find a job. It wasn't until an opening occurred in the company that I already work for that I was able to snag something. If during my interview my interviewer looked at my resume and asked, "Now, here's a question: Why did you use Times New Roman as a font for your resume?" I would have got up, punched them square in the mouth, left, and never came back.

I'm going to coin this use of bullshit "Corporate Pettiness." Corporate Pettiness, by my definition, is when employees of companies use bullshit excuses to not hire someone. Ya know, like the typeface they used on their resume. I mean, it's not like we're using Wingdings, and speaking in symbols. That said, we could always start doing that! And if they ask why we use a font no one can understand we can just respond, "Well, you didn't appreciate the lack of creativity in using Times New, so, ya know, I figured this would tickle your fancy." Except, we all know it wouldn't.

I know I've said it before, but I sincerely feel like this country does whatever it takes to sabotage themselves from progressing. It''s incredible.

I know a topic like a typeface seems so minute, but holy hell. There's nothing wrong with Times New Roman. Just stop it. Seriously, if these corporations have a serious problem with a professional font, use Wingdings. That'll shut 'em up.


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