There's something about this day.
By no means is it a "real holiday," but it is one that has a tremendous amount of positives. Yes, it is my birthday, and that's definitely a plus. But that's not why it's a positive for me.
For one, it's recognized by all parts of the world. April Fool's Day doesn't have any religious ties, doesn't have any ties to a specific country, no ties to any specific sect of people, etc. Instead, it's an all-inclusive day that is dedicated to silliness.
As children, we love this day. It's the day that we can prank other kids and adults without any real repercussions. Ok, yes, you can/we could have get/gotten in trouble depending the severity of the offense, but most of those offenses as kids are taken considerably lighter because it's April Fool's Day.
As adults, we need this day. Now, I'm aware that most adults don't play into the silliness of the day, and for them that's fine. But I think for a lot of adults it's a day to let loose a little bit. Unbutton the collar an extra notch and not take everything so damn seriously. I've seen more smiles on this day than I have the weeks/days leading up to Christmas. Why? There's no stress to participate. There's no family dinner arrangements; no gifts to buy; nothing. There's certainly no stress to play pranks on people, though I will admit that I put some stress on one of my supervisors today when she thought she was part of some grand prank that I had planned. But even then, she was smiling and having a good time. As an aside: This is a stressful time for businesses because they need to worry about quarter-end dealings. It's a perfect day to relieve some of that stress and remind ourselves through silliness that we shouldn't take everything so damn seriously all the time.
I mean, comon, what other holiday is there that allows fools to be fools?
Unless you are me.
Being a fool is an everyday kind of a thing.
- PatInTheBirthdayHat
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